Re: Process for Returning Microfilms
"Destroy" the films"? Property of FamilySearch needs to be returned to FamilySearch for disposal.
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With 3693 films to "return", I have been very concerned about overloading the "system", until I ran across the following paragraph in Section 9 of the "FamilySearch Center Operations Guide 2023":
"To return microfilm and microfiche to FamilySearch, contact FamilySearch Support. Provide the FamilySearch Center Unit Number, the number of boxes to be returned, and the dimensions of each box. The numbers and dimensions of each box are necessary to determine shipping weights and costs. FamilySearch Support communicates the information with the contracted agent to have the films destroyed. When returning microfilm or microfiche the center only contacts FamilySearch Support. Do not contact the company or individual contracted to destroy the microfilm or microfiche."
I am looking for more details about boxes, dimensions, weights, costs, etc. My call to FamilySearch Support the other day said the waiting period was more than 2 hours, so I decided to try this discussion item.
Any pertinent inputs will be appreciated. In the meantime, the "engineer" in me has some other directions to go to get the job done.
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Be patient. We downsized our Center and returned two Semi trucks work of materials back to the FamilySearch Library. Many many boxes of microfilm were boxed and shipped along with the readers.
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There are no specs for size and shape of boxes. It would be advised that boxes be size and shape that would be handled by a shipping company, ie probably NOT 300 pounds. The direction in the above referenced Knowledge Article allow for boxes that are easy for the FSC to obtain. The shipping company WILL need to know what to expect when they arrive. The Family History Department arranges the shipping. The containers should be obtained by the FSC.