Translation please
@SashaGlad, it helps to include both an image and a link (with source info) to the record, if found online. The image quality is usually better online, and it's easier to decipher records when we can compare them with surrounding entries. That said, this is what I see:
In the year one thousand eight hundred thirty-eight, on the twenty-fifth of November, at 10 o'clock in the morning, in the commune of Pramol, was presented to the Protestant pastor a female child born on 15 November [1838] at 10 a.m., in Aissandes in this commune, daughter of Michel Beux, farmer residing in Pramol, and of Marianne Combe de Jean, his wife, farmer residing in Pramol. The child was baptized by Jacques Winçon, pastor of this church, and was given the name Anne. Godfather: Joseph Combe, farmer residing in Envers-Portes. Godmother: Marthe Avon, farmer residing in Envers-Portes. The person who informed us of the birth was Michel Beux de Jacques, father of the child. Signed: Beux Michel and pastor Winçon.
From an online tree, I can see this Pramol is the one known in Italian as Pramollo and located in Italy. Based on that info, I found your record on DGS 7956233, image 250 (viewable in a FamilySearch Center), which helped me decipher the places in the record and verify the pastor's name--it turns out Envers-Portes is a variant of Inverso Porte, also known as Porte near Inverso, part of the municipality of San Germano Chisone, Torino, about 5.85 km east of Pramol.