Abbreviated Middle Name?
Yes, this is an abbreviation of Theodore/Theodor. Most records in other countries will abbreviate names because they are too long and take too much space. Other abbreviations in records are Joh. for Johann or johannes and Thos. for Thomas.
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@SebastianHumrick thank you! Do you think his first name is Joseph? It looks like “Joey”
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First name is Johann. The clerics were using Latin for their entries and often abbreviated Johann (Latin: Joannes) as Joes, just omitting the middle few letters.
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@sylviaelchinger1 thank you for the clarification!
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You should forget the concept of "first and middle name" (common in English speaking countries) for German speaking regions and this time frame. You'll find it quite often that in a family most children had the same "first" name (like Joes = Johannes, or Maria for girls) and were distinguished by the "middle" name. So in your case, most likely the "calling name" would be Theodor.
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@WSeelentag Thank you. I have noticed that over the years. I just tend to document both names to be thorough.
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Definitively all names should be documented 🙂 !!! I was just commenting on the interpretation..