Barsebäck, Malmöhus, Sweden/Denmark birth date
You can use the Family Search Catalog here: .
Alternatively, you can use the Swedish National Archives (Riksarkivet aka SVAR). Barsebäck parish records are here: .
Also, Arkivdigital is free this weekend (April 11 &12).
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Actually Denmark lost Skåne, including Barsebäck, to Sweden in 1658 and never regained it so it was part of Sweden in 1694. What you are probably referring to is although Denmark lost Skåne in 1658, Sweden did not fully incorporate it into the kingdom of Sweden until 1711. In between those dates, it was technically a duchy meaning the king had less authority and the people were still allowed to speak Danish. Fortunately, before the Danes lost it, they started keeping parish records in 1648 and those have survived. Parish records are kept by the current country so you will find them at the link Elder Baker just gave you and also on ArkivDigital.
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Thanks for the history dates.
For many generations these ancestors lived in Barsebäck, Malmöhus, Sweden. Based on Bodil's death I calculated her birth to be 1694 but can't find any births that seem to match.
1759. d 22. Maj, dödde enkan Bodil
1759. The 22 May, died widow Bodil
Andersdotter, of ________ _______
Andersdotter, of.old age weakness
och begrava ____ 6 th sönd: efter påsk
and buried ____ 6 th Sunday after Easter
(movable feast days 3 June 1759)
65 åldri gl.
65 years old.
? any suggestions where else I might look?
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You could try the surrounding parishes.