Help with viewing registries in Lima, peru
I'm looking for info on one of my ancestors
There are some indexed entries but I'm not able to see them. From what I understand, I need access to an affiliate library, but I'm not sure if any works or if I have to physically go to one that has accesss specifically to that archive.
The documents I'm trying to see are the following:
If any of you has access to them and could send me photos, i would greatly appreciate it.
If a record or a digitized film is listed with this banner
then you can view it at ANY Affiliate Library or ANY FamilySearch Center. FSC full list.
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Hola Estimada @angemejia te comento que estoy en una capilla de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos Días de mi ciudad y desde aquí se pueden ver sin inconvenientes los links que enviaste. ¿En que parte es tu residencia? para que pueda enviarte el lugar a donde debes ir que sea mas cercano.
Este es un enlace para que puedas dirigirte a un Centro de FamilySearch cercano :
Espero que esta información sea de gran ayuda! Saludos cordiales, Laura Valdez.
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Thanks everybody, here's more info in regards to the person I'm interested in:
Josef H Taramona Amez
The documents mentioned earlier are presumably from his chhildrens' baptism records.
23 Feb 1778, Francisco Antonio Selano Taramona y Ames*1qem0ab*_gcl_au*NDk5NjkyMzk4LjE2OTE5ODgzMzQ.
25 Jan 1776, Josef Taramona*1qem0ab*_gcl_au*NDk5NjkyMzk4LjE2OTE5ODgzMzQ.
25 Jan 1782, Josef Ylario Taramona*1qem0ab*_gcl_au*NDk5NjkyMzk4LjE2OTE5ODgzMzQ.
17 Feb 1784, Felix Mariano Taramona*1qem0ab*_gcl_au*NDk5NjkyMzk4LjE2OTE5ODgzMzQ.
16 Sep 1785, Maria Isabel Taramona*1qem0ab*_gcl_au*NDk5NjkyMzk4LjE2OTE5ODgzMzQ.
I'm also curious about Josef's partner: Maria, sometimes listed as Maria Villagomez and others as Maria Manrique Vergara, so the registries would be helpful in finding info about her.
Thank you very very much
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Have you checked the list of all Affiliate Libraries and FamilySearch Centers to see if you have one nearby, @angemejia? Full list