Pender County NC Death Certificate Help please
Hello, I am wanting to get an uncertified copy of my Aunts Death Certificate in 1995. My problem is when I try to access the Pender County Website I am getting the following message: Your access to this site has been limited by the site owner (
I can only assume it is because I am in Australia.
Is there anyone here that could assist me please? I am unable to even get an email address in order to email them to try to get a copy that way.
Is there a different way to get a copy of it? I appear to have all the information that may be required -
Thank you very much.
Anola in Australia
Each state in the US regulates when or if death certs are made public. Did you read the message as to why your access is being restricted? Some how you have got into the web site for purchasing a certified copy of the death cert, which you are not the right kind of relation to have. It has nothing to do with you being in Australia. Nieces are not permitted to obtain a certified death cert. I recommend you switch your tactics to and be sure to click the UNCERTIFIED link.
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Also, be advised that some states will not allow access to vital records, such as death certificates, until a specified time has passed (25 or 30 years, etc.), except for immediate family. As previously stated, check to see what North Carolina laws say.
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Hi. I can access the site with no issues and even fill out the form. However, You must pick your relationship from a long list (I am not). I clicked on the statement you gave that you were getting and it took me right into the site. So, It could be the computer or as you said the area you are from. I would say try another system or have a relative here get it for you. Sorry, I hope this helps some.
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Thank you for your assistance - My access was denied due to the area I am from. I have checked the laws, and I am able to get an uncertified copy of her death certificate. I will try Vitalcheck.
Have a great day.