Name Transcription Help Please? San Antonio Catholic Parish
I am looking for some help to decipher the mother's name on this 1885 baptism record from San Antonio. Would you be willing to help me?
The baptism is for Louisa Clary, born 7 December 1885 in San Antonio. Though there are some inconsistencies (e.g. names misspelled), I believe this baptism record in St. Mary's Catholic Church is for her ... but the mother's name is almost impossible to decipher.
The original is found on FamilySearch: The pink underlined is the mother's name.
The above parish record was indexed by FamilySearch: On this record, the father's name is Henrie Bernard Cleary (not sure where the Bernard came from ...?), and the mother is indexed as Thersica Rosa Caryesi. I don't believe this is correct name for the mother.
Louisa's parents Henry Clary and Jennie Devoto. In the San Antonio newspaper, there appeared an announcement about the birth/christening and the celebration afterward. The Mr. Perroni mentioned in the newspaper announcement (and also one of the godparents listed in the parish record) is Henry Clary's cousin originally from Corsica, France. Jennie Devoto, the mother, is believed to be from the Genoa, Italy area.
The above newspaper announcement was published on December 26, 1885 in The San Antonio Light newspaper
Thank you in advance!
@AnneLoForteWillson can you help with this?
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I agree that there is no reason to have pulled in the the Bernard middle name for the father. The mother's name looks like some form of Theresa...but that doesn't add up to her nickname being Jennie... The surname looks similar to Vacorgese?
For comparison, on the left-hand page of image 205 there is a child surnamed Vaughan The Va and the g look the same as in your mother's surname. The picked up the Rosa middle name from the Va which looks just a little separated from the c...portion.
The last part of the name looks like ese...the s is pretty clear, the e's less so, but there are no dots above them, to they are more likely to be e's than i's.
So, I'm sure it is at least Vac??gese. Hope that gets you close enough to find her!
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@AnneLoForteWillson Thank you for those insights! :)