No longer able to view docs on their own
I used to be able to eliminate the bottom slide show bar below a document but I can't figure out how to do that with the update. Is that no longer possible?
Also, I can't figure out how to view memories in full screen, only within the little window. Is viewing the doc full screen on its own no longer possible?
I've stared at the screen, trying to figure out how to do what I used to be able to do and I don't see how I can do that.
If these are changes due to the update, please add it to the list of things to work on. This is not an improvement. TIA!
When I first open a census, there is no filmstrip of images at the bottom. If I close the right information panel, then the filmstrip pops up.
Close the right panel:
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Poking around I found that viewing a PDF differs from browser to browser because FamilySearch has apparently just embedded each browser's PDF viewer instead of creating one for the website.
So while for JPG images you get this:
with the usual full screen view icon, with PDF's you have to figure out what your browser provides.
On a Mac, Safari has it's PDF controls visible only when you hover over them:
I can use the Open in Preview icon to get to:
In Firefox, all I can do is use the control key popup menu to open the viewer in a new frame:
to get to here:
In Chrome:
I can't find any way other than downloading the PDF and opening it in Preview. There is a Present option under the more menu in the top right corner, but it doesn't do anything. Maybe someone who uses Chrome more than I do (which would be more than once a year) can figure out how to get from the Memories page to a full screen PDF viewer.
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I think Gordon has given you the best information.
Kind regards,
FamilySearch, Europe
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@Gordon Collett This thread asked about PDFs. The thread where you commented didn't mention PDFs.
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile, the second half of the question, about viewing the obituary which is a PDF on the person's memory page, is about viewing PDFs. Since you answered the first half of the question, I didn't see a need to comment on that. (Or, @LisaAlbert1 did you add the second part of the question after Áine answered the first half?) (Or am I just really, really confused?)
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@Gordon Collett I was more thinking that you might want to duplicate your PDF explanation on that PDF thread. It was a lot of work and might help that other poster.
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Interleaving topics do get confusing at times. I'm just glad I wasn't going crazy!
I decided to be lazy and just posted a reference to this topic under the one you pointed me to.
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@Áine Ní Donnghaile, I had both the film strip and the right hand column appear, not one or the other. This is what I first saw before I figured out how to close the right hand column.
I work on a laptop and likely will for at least another year so I would very much like to maximize my view by closing everything but the doc I wish to examine. However, I can't figure out how to close the film strip like I was able to do pre-update.
@Gordon Collett, thanks! I just learned something new! The downside is that I can't zoom in and out with the mouse wheel. I have to click + or - to do that. But at least I can view it on its own and that is a good thing.
In case it's relevant to this discussion, I'm on a PC laptop, Windows 10, Firefox browser.
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I'm also on a PC, laptop, Windows 10, Firefox. I do have a monitor attached, and my screenshots were from the monitor, not the laptop screen.
I must confess, last night when I looked at your post, I wasn't sure which year of the census was in your screenshot. I had just returned from my annual eye exam, and everything was a bit blurry. I guessed it was an 1850, based on the layout, and I pulled up an 1850 from my 2nd great grandfather. Looking now, at your new screenshot, I see it is an 1860, and viewing the 1860 from that same 2nd GGF, I can view it without the informational side panel or the filmstrip at the bottom.
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And to compare, I searched for just any John Smith, in any location, in the 1860, and I get the same view - no side panel and no filmstrip at the bottom. I have closed the index panel (above) but will leave it open in this John Smith census -
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Áine's screenshot is of the Catalog's image viewer (with a waypointed-collection "address" or "breadcrumb trail" showing). The one with the filmstrip and stuff is the Images section's viewer. If there's an easy way to get from one to the other, I haven't found it, but then, I avoid the Images section like the plague. The only thing it ever succeeds at is raising my blood pressure.
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My screenshot from yesterday, of the 1850 census, was not from the Images section, FYI. I also avoid it.
Edit to add: I just followed my process from yesterday to be sure of my facts, since I admitted I wasn't seeing very well yesterday. I confirmed that I accessed that 1850 census, with the side panel and the filmstrip, from the source page of my 2nd GGF. No detour to the Images option. Here's Edward's sources page:
Following the same path to the 1860, I get the waypointed version, with the index at the bottom.
I think the difference is that the US 1850 is part of the index-all-fields project while the 1860 is not - at least not yet.
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I have noticed several options for removing/minimizing the side panel/filmstrip in the new Image viewer (in the following example I use Aine's record/image above):
Option #1: You can move the index/group data side panel to bottom view and resize it minimally:
Option #2: You can edit the address to remove the 'edit every field' index/Image viewer and it will revert to record/catalog/'old' viewer:
with the new 'edit every field' index/Image viewer
without the new 'edit every field' index/Image viewer (revert to 'old' record/catalog viewer)
Comment: As the pattern with 'old' and 'new' for FamilySearch seems to follow the pattern that eventually 'new' is the only option - I suggest becoming familiar with the 'new'. The only reason the two image viewers/addresses are linked now (as far as I know - or my opinion) - we need to transfer the old index to the new image viewer. Many of the old viewer images/indexes have lost portions of the index I suspect but don't know what is causing losses of the old index) - so the migration is only migrating what is there - then one needs to learn how to use the new 'edit every field' indexer/viewer to Add the missing portion.