HOW do I prevent this from happening ?
I was recently called as Director/Coordinator and thought I'd better beef up my tree a little bit instead of procrastinating for perfection! In process I discovered a young nephew had "pulled" off my tree the entire family branch line of my mother in law (his grandmother). I'm so excited this young man wants to do genealogy where he lives and doing baptisms in the temple. But it meant that I had to go and find that family branch and reestablish it in my family tree. IS there a WAY for us to teach youth how to build their family tree which copies the data to their tree WITHOUT erasing and entire line from someone else. I am positive this will happen more as youth become more active in their important roles, so I would like to TEACH them the best way to link their tree without causing a branch to disappear for someone else.
It happens with adults as well but I had a nephew do the same thing. I think building a tree is one of the easiest ways to make mistakes and it is a bit complicated to do correctly. We need classes for everyone. I think FamilySearch could make finding the duplicates in the tree a little bit more intuitive. I think beginners don't even know what that list of possible matches means most of the time.
The only thing I have figured out to do is put a watch on my direct lines so I can catch it when it happens. Even as a very experienced FamilySearch user sometimes things happen that I didn't anticipate. Mistakes will happen. We just have to graciously fix them.
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We just need to remember that the Family Tree is not "my tree" but a shared tree and as such these things can happen. As has been suggested, check the Watch link on your ancestors in the Tree and be prepared to undo erroneous changes when they occur. Provide reason statements and sources to help others understand the changes. There are no changes to the Family Tree that cannot be undone. I know it can be frustrating when these things happen. Just be kind and patient in correcting errors.
As Temple & Family History Consultants, we can offer to provide classes and help to all members of our ward, including the youth. Our Ward has youth Temple & Family History Consultants that can work directly with their peers.
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@LisaMortonMills LisaMortonMills
The simple answer to your initial question "... HOW do I prevent this from happening ? ..." is that you CANNOT!
And, as has already been proffered in a previous response from 'Peggy', OUR "Watch" Lists; especially, the list of "CHANGES TO PEOPLE I'M WATCHING" are OUR best defence and Tool.
A few questions and comments:
When you say that you have been "... called as Director/Coordinator ...", What is that specifically?
Is that the 'Official' "Calling" of "Stake, Temple and Family History Consultant -- Family History Centre", which is CURRENTLY the ONLY 'Official' Stake 'Calling' in "Temple and Family History", which, in fact, is basically the (Old) 'Calling' of "Director, Family History Centre"?;
Are you referring to the OLD 'Calling' of "Director, Indexing" for a Stake, which currently does not 'Officially' exist?;
Are you referring to the CURRENT 'Official' "Calling" of "Ward/Branch. Temple and Family History Consultant, Lead/Leader" for a Ward/Branch?;
Are you referring to the CURRENT 'Official' "Calling" of "Ward/Branch. Temple and Family History Consultant" for a Ward/Branch?
As has already been proffered in a previous response from 'RBDavies', there is NO "My Tree" or "Your Tree" in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
"Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" is a SINGLE 'One' World 'Tree' for ALL of us. We basically have some "Branches" of this SINGLE 'One' World 'Tree'. So rather than the terms, "My Tree"; or, "Your Tree"; or, even, "Our Tree", perhaps a better term would be ... "The Tree"; or, possibly, "the Wold Tree".
The "My Tree"; or, "Your Tree", 'mindset' is something that we must help shy away from whey we and others are dealing with "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch".
That 'mindset' comes from (1) the old days of individual "Private" Trees on (a) paper/hard-copy; and, (b) personal genealogical programmes on one's own personal computer, such as PAF (to name only one, as an example), etc; and (2) the many current "Other" 'On-Line' Applications/Programmes out there on the INTERNET, such as "" (to name only one, as an example), etc.
You can have a "Private" Tree on "FamilySearch"; but, that is not part of and is separate from "Family Tree". Those "Private" Trees on "FamilySearch", are loacted; and, can be up-loaded to, the "Genealogies" part of "Family Tree". Available for "Others" for research purposes; but, not to "Edit".
Whereas, has already been proffered in a previous response from 'RBDavies', TRAINING; Training; and, more, training ...
I am NOT going to enter into a discussion about the the 'On-Line' training and education in "FamilySearch"; or, the lack thereof, that is another matter and problem/issue that has been discussed at length in the "FamilySearch" ( "GetStaisfaction" ) 'Feedback' Forum.
It is about getting "Ward/Branch, Temple and Family History Consultants"; and, "Staff Members" at "Family History Centres", geared-up to TEACH and TRAIN!
The Church had provided, the Resources and Materials; and, through Leadership from the Top, re-emphasised the importance of 'Temple and Family History' Work, now it is up to the Members with the 'Callings' to do what is required.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Remember the old adage, 'you can lead a horse to water; but, you cannot make it drink' - no matter how "Easy" things are made for us, we still need to be taught and trained, time and time, again and again.
Another useful tool for helping and training others (whoever they my be) is to point them in the direction of the 'on-line' ... "The Family History Guide" ... that is not by "FamilySearch"; but, is a great all round training tool that INCLUDES "FamilySearch".
Through the "Help Centre" of "FamilySearch" at
Or, directly at:
I am sorry, 'off my soap box'.
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Familytree is a great resource but is as said before is an open tree and this will happen. I’ve recently read that the church recognises this and is encouraging members to have their own tree either on paper or a family history computer programme as well as familysearch. There are loads out there. Personally we love RootsMagic as it is compatible with familysearch and is in the FHC computers.
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This is a great opportunity to teach people how to merge properly. Reach out and tell them what happened then teach them how to fix it and how to merge properly.
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I taught school for 34 years, the last 20 with high school students, in gifted AP classes. I loved it and the kids. But from the start of urging youth to jump into a rather complex program, FS Family Tree, UNTRAINED, ... I cringed and still am cringing today, despite who says we should have them jump in. Sorry.