Finding family in Massachusetts - Pennsylvania
Per census records Lucretia raised a family with my 3X great-grandfather Peter Folyer from Switzerland, not sure of his real name. Lucretia was either born in MA or PA. Two census' have different states. Family information does not fit with actual documentation. Per census records she is 15 years younger than Peter giving her a birth year of 1814. I am questioning her birth parents, Slolomon Ashley and Caroline Rogers, due to documention stating she married someone else, had a son, on a 1850 census. Our Lucretia had three children with Peter by 1950 and living in Grant County, Wisconsin.
Recently a DNA connection, 11 cM, descendent of a half 4th great-grandaunt, Sarah Rogers, came through on my Ancestry ThruLines, making her a half 6th cousin to me. Now I am stumped.
Now I am looking for a Lucretia born in MA or PA, born about 1814. Maybe there will be a marraige record to a Peter ? and probably no other information because I don't think further contact was made.
I am looking for links to aide in my search.
Thank you,
Diana Sparks Drexler
Census records I have found are good when you have a lot of information to confirm. However, When you find two or more with one or two names with different birthplaces do not assume both or ether is your line. I come across the same names with different birthplaces on each, just to find out later none of them was my line. The reverse is also true I found a line in the cen. that did not work well with my line but I keep the information and found out it was my great-grandfather that had a first wife we did not know about. Keep the info you have with a question mark. I would then back up and start with what I know and can back up with documentation. Whatever you find after that verify with what you know. If anything is different keep it and put it on the side and keep looking then compare all the documentation and see what fits. doing this well, in the long run, save you time by keeping you from correcting a lot of mistakes.
The DNA you talked about could be about five different relations if not more. I would not worry about that unless you can make a positive family line connection in your tree with them. But that is me.
If you could provide more information on Lucretia Like siblings (that you are sure of) and names she is connected with that you also are sure of? Basically, the information that put her on your tree and a last name married or maiden. I would be happy to see if I can help you.
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Hi Michael,
The only fact I know is on the census records, but I have been told they can be incorrect. Family records say Peter Folyer married Lucretia Ashley, but I do not have information to back that up. There is documentation stating Lucretia married Frederick Strong and had a son on the 1850 Ohio census.
Ashley family records say Lucretia, b.1807 was born to Solomon and Caroline Rogers Ashley. Per attached census records Lucretia was born in 1814 based on Peter's age, b. 1799
Just came across an obituary of Lucretia's daughter, Mary Folyer Cooper, listing her mom's name as Lucretia Eldridge Folyer. Now I am ging in a different direction. Found Eldridges in the Kentucky and Tennessee area. In the 1870 census, is that Tenn or Penn? Two other census' say MA for Lucretia.
Thank you for looking at my puzzle.
Diana Sparks Drexler
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I looked at the records and do believe that both are the same family due to the number of matching information on them. I would use both of the birthplaces until I get a 3rd one that matches one of them. However, looking over the records as a whole I would look more at Pennsylvania. You could look at other names for Peter Iike Petter or Petteri for a few. there are more but I do not know what each country's spelling would be. Sorry I could not help more. I will keep my eyes open on this. thanks for giving to this site and hopefully someone can give you more help.