Link missing from new version of message system
I kept getting some messages with missing profile links compared to the ones with linked profiles.
Took me a while asking those who messaged me and got an answer to the missing links.
Old version link has hyperlinked blues while new version is completely missing the hyperlinks.
It is a fit for me trying to locate the specific profile when there are many with similar names.
Engineers, please fix the problem asap before it get out of control.
Old Version
new version
I am having this same issue. It really is a problem when someone messages you about a profile and all you have in the message are the name and birth/death dates, and whatever info the sender happened to provide. To find the profile without messaging back to the sender, you have to do a search, and not knowing the location makes it very hard, for example, if you are working on a common surname like Davis, or even if the given name is common. I much preferred the old system where a link to the "about" person is right there in the message when you first receive it, so all it takes is one click to get to the profile the message is about. Would very much like to see this feature restored. Thanks.
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Thanks for reporting this. I've created a bug for the team over messaging.
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Wonderful! Thanks!
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As with other queries this seems to have no connection to the introduction of the new person page. I found this to be an intermittent problem, so no matter it has been posted here as Lyle has kindly passed it on as a bug.
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Paul W.
This particular bug is with new version. It's not an intermittent problem since the previous version still have the linking going good.
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The last message I received that had a link to the profile in "About" was on Dec 26, 2022. Every message I've received beginning with and after Dec 29, 2022, has no link.
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@W D Samuelsen contact me please
I just had a quick look at my messages and can find missing hyperlinks on messages sent on 7 and 8 December 2022. I'm sure I wouldn't have been using the new version, but can't prove that, of course.
I have to admit that when I tested this just now it did work using the old version, but not the new. So, for the current bug it appears you are probably right. I have definitely experienced this problem in the past, however - going back way before the new version was introduced.
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New version came out around Oct 22.
You started getting messages from others, some showing the links and others not showing the links.
At first I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I started asking those who sent me messages and was able to pinpoint the problem Jan 8th, hence the first post here.
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Apologies for earlier, mistaken comments and thanks for the clarification
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No problem. It might depend on what version the sender was using, rather than the recipient, in order for the link to be missing.
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It was reported that this was fixed. I haven't personally verified the fix.
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Don't know because I kept getting "Thank you" en-masse without links despite messages being about specific persons.
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I did get a message yesterday that had a link.
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Ann, did you verify that the sender is using new version?
That is critical point.
You try to find out for sure if fix had been done last night per other message report. Use New Version, go to this person and go to "Latest Changes" and find my name/contact and send it to see if the link is restored. I will report here if it shows up.
Robert James Horney
4 April 1887 – 1 December 1965
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I just sent you a message from Robert James Horney's id while using the new version. After sending I checked the message as it was saved in my message box, which shows a link. I hope you got one too!
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Now working as intended.
Only if they would fix the problem in "Home" and "End" keys in data entry for dates, places and notes. This had been reported months ago. Infuriating having to hold down CTRL and hitting repeatedly arrow left and arrow right to get to the ends.