Marriage translation Request
Hi All,
I'm trying to distinguish between my 5th ggf and one of his brothers; they came to the US together. One was Johann Heinrich, one was Johann Yost, and one was Johannes.
I believe this is the brother, Johannes Wigand, marrying Anna Catharina, but I'm unclear if Catharina is her surname. I also would like to know if other names are mentioned in this document, so I can confirm I have the right Johannes Wigand.
The record is at the top of the left page, dated 6 Dec 1798.
Here is the link to the record;
Thank you,
I have another document of the same couple, which I believe gives Anna Catharina's last name. Can anyone tell me what else this one says? Again, it's 6 Dec 1798.
Thank you,
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Hi Margie,
I think it says:
Johannes Wigand is a corporal (gefreider)in the 5th company of the 2nd Courier (feldjager) Regiment, he had never been married before and was born in Netsfelden(? maybe Nothfelden?) in the Zierenberg district of Nieder Hesse.
Anna Catharine is the daughter of the deceased Michael Goremfler (spelling?) of Friedrichsthal. I think it also gives the name of her fathers widow but I'm having trouble deciphering it.
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Thank you, Greg!
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The widows last name looks like Durlach. Her first name is very difficult for me. It looks like "Marggrefshastt" which is certainly not correct.
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Evangelische Kirche Mannheim
Taufen 1800-1818, 1780-1794 Heiraten 1795-1822 Scheidungen 1816-1828 Taufen 1736-1779 Tote 1763-1774 Nachtrag 1763-1766 Heiraten 1736-1779 Taufen 1809-1811
6 December 1798
Johannes Wigand, Gefrieter unter dem Vten Feldjäger Regiment
Catharina Goramflor[in] von Friedrichstal im Durlachische ...
Evangelische Kirche Mannheim
Taufen 1798, 1786, 1719-1763 Heiraten 1515, 1536-1554, 1617-1643, 1655-1801
6 December 1798
Johannes Wigand, Gefreider unter dem 2ten Feldjäger Regiment, der 5ten compagnie, ledigen standes, gebürtig in N???, Oberamts Zirrenberg?, in Nieder Hessen, mit Anna Catharina, weyl[and] Michael Goremflor, Bürger und Ackersmann zu Friedrichstal, in der Marggrafschaft Durlach, hinterlassene Wittib.
Johannes Wigand, corporal in the 2nd courier regiment, 5th company, single, born in N??, Oberamt Zirrenberg?, in Nieder Hessen, with Anna Catharina, surviving widow of Michael Goremflor, citizen and farmer in Friedrichstal, in the margraviate of Durlach.
See this entry in Meyersgaz for Friedrichstal
I have not been able to find the village that Johannes Wigand came from.
Catharine Goremflor was a widow. I will look for her previous marriage in Friedrichstal, Baden.
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I want to thank everyone.
Bob, thank you so much! According to records I have, Johannes should come from Freinsheim. His parents were Johann Peter Wigand and Maria Magdalena Eigenbrode.
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This Johannes Wigand was from Nothfelden, near Zierenberg, northwest of Cassel.
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Hm. Thanks again, Bob. I suspect this is not the brother. This will take some more time to figure out.