Joseph Metzmeier (son) - Re-birth Record
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@MasakiTakeda1 Here's the translation of the birth record:
Josephus Metzmeier, Gunzenbach
Baden, in the year 1815, 22 July 6 pm, was born, and on the 23rd of the same month and year at 2.30 pm was baptized by Mr. Joseph Mutz […], a boy, named Joseph, legitimate son of Joseph Metzmeier, local citizen and farmer in Gunzenbach, and of Magdalena Lorenz.
The witnesses present at the baptism are Joseph Sulzer, local parish priest, and Johannes Jörger, local citizen and farmer in Thiergarten.
Baden, 23 July 1815
Johannes Andreas Lorenz, town parish priest
Thank you again for your help. I appreciate it.
Much metta,
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