German record in French
I have this German birth record but it is in French. Do I need to join the French community or is there possibly anyone here that can help with translation?
I originally got this from the FHL during a visit and it is on a microfilm that is not open to the public except at the FHL. The film # 1,057,657.
But I have attached a pdf of the record.
THANKS for any help or let mer know if this needs to go to the French community.
Hello @Steve Schell,
You'll have a much better chance of getting this translated if you post it in the French community.
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I'm not a native speaker for French,..
In the year 1813 the 25 th of the month of Juli at 10 hour in the morning, before us,Louis Halle, mayor of Zulpich,officer of the civil desk,did appear Mathieu Kreutz aged 45 profession"Marechal" residing at Zulpich the one presenting a child of female gender,born the 24th of Juli 5 hour from Mathieu Kreutz and Madeleine Wolter his spouse, profession,......---residing at Zulpich in the house nr,...street, Marohé and to which they declare to give the name of Marie-Christine.Thus declared in the presence of witnesses,(names) (professions) (signatures)