Translation help with death/burial record

Need help translating the death record for death #12, Johann David Schulze. This record is from Ringenwalde, Templin, Brandenburg and can be found on
Thank you for your time, Myke Rachu
Melhor resposta
Hello Myke,
Translation (column headings in bold):
Number: 12.
Name of the deceased: Johann David Schulze.
Status of the deceased: "Büdner? u[nd] Garnweber" = farmer and yarn weaver. [If the word is "Büdner" then it translates as: farmer.]
Age: 67 years, 5 months.
Whether the deceased leaves behind a spouse and adult or minor children: a wife, four adult sons and one adult daughter.
Day of death: 29 November [1815].
Hour of death: 6:00 am.
Illness from which he died: "Verstopfung?" = blockage/obstruction/constipation.
Pastor who was informed of the death: N_____?
Day of burial: 2 December [1815].
Cemetery where buried: Ringenwalde.
Thank you very much.
Myke Rachu
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You're welcome, Myke.