Christoph Schuhmacher marriage 13 Sep 1704 film 102078348 page 187
Translation request:
Christoph Schuhmacher, butcher, was the sponsor of four out of five of Johann Georg Scholl's (1678 - 1728) children.
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On the 13th September 1704 were married:
Christoph Schuhmacher, a butcher, and Maria Barbara Horckheimer, legitimate daughter of the deceased saddle maker Horckheimer in M...acker. (I can't find it in Meyersgaz, however, I am sure it is a little place nearby, probably in the same parish.
Remark: They have both slept together and were married after repentance.
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I think the home place of saddle maker Horckheimer can be Mühlacker, at that time a small village about 30 miles SE of Graben on the border between Baden and Württemberg:
Over time it has grown into a town of 26000 inhabitants, thanks to its position as a railroad junction, see the German ( or English ( Wikipedia.
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Ulrich Neitzel Ulrich: Thanks for the information. The internet + you is amazing. Kent
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Kent, not sure if Marion has seen your request -
the German text is:
NB. haben beyde früher Beyschlaf begangen u. seynd deswegen nach Verdienst copuliert worden.
Marion, can you give me the German for - "they slept together and were married after repentance?" In hundreds of documents I have not seen that. Thanks for the translation. Kent
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Ulrich Neitzel Thank you Ulrich, you get some funny sentences when you use Deep L or Google translate: have committed beys sleep in the past and were therefore coded according to merit.
Nothing like having a living, breathing translator with a good brain. Computers still can't keep up. Kent