about : Jurisprudentia Hunaricanum
Hello everyone,
Could someone give me an idea of what is in the "Jurisprudentia Hungaricum by Stephano Huszty, particularly in the volume of 1745 ,title LXXVL (p. 356) line 9 and page 359 , where it is question of : "thirtieth" and also of "capitals" !!!!
I think it would be about ; tax or imposition for cities in places like, for example : the districts of Slavonia, ( wher I find my surname p. 359) .
But am I right ? Help in understanding the meaning of these text will be really welcome !
In attachments : 3 extracts
The Latin is a bit beyond me, but I can tell that there are no surnames on page 359: they're all places.
"Tricesimatoribus" appears to mean "tax collectors", with a root word having to do with "thirtieth", so I think this is some sort of listing of places that owed or collected a 1/30 tax on something?
The book as a whole appears to be on the subject of Hungary's laws and regulations (jurisprudence).
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Dear Julia, once again thank you!
I see that we have more or less the same interpretation and that reinforces my convictions .
So my "égo" is flattered to wear a city name ! 😃