Refinement of Danish translation needed.
Below find text extractions from the headers of a Danish birth record, with attempted translations using online tools. The full image of the original page is found at:,2186
My request is for more precise clarity in the translations to American English. Any and all suggested improvements/clarifications will be greatly appreciated.
Hello Bsmith4Gen,
Although Fødsels- og Pleiestiftelsen can be traslated to Birth and Care Foundation, I think a better meaning and translation would be the Maternity and Caring Institution. A good article on this institution was written by a Danish author on Wikipedia at
First Row
The abbreviation Rbd. is for a type of money issued by the national bank called Rigsbanks daler. To learn more about Danish money in the 1820s see
On your translation, you have Pigernes written accidently twice as Pigernes = Boys and Pigernes = Girls. The meaning for Drengenes is boys. The meaning for Pigernes is girls.
Second Row
I’d translate Paa Fødselsstiftelsen as At the Maternity Institution instead of Birth Foundation.
Døde inden Mødrene udgik (the word udgik is with a ”k”, it’s not udgift). This is asking if the child died before the mother was discharged to leave.
Taken for self-sufficiency is correct, which I think means the child went with the mother (to be independently provided for) instead of being left at the institution. The 1845 Danish English dictionary by Gyldendalske boghandel (see lists the word Pleiestiftelse as orphan asylum, see p. 248. It was an orphanage but they also placed children into foster care. Might consider using Orphanage instead of Care Foundation.
Third Row
The word Ammestue means Nursery and the -erne makes it plural. This is where the infant would be nursed and cared for. They were keeping track of how many infants died or were removed from the nursery (when placed into care). Regarding the heading Udleverede til Mødrene med Understøttesle eller udsatte til Fremmede, the 1845 dictionary states that Udlevere means delivered, so the meaning of the heading is the infants were delivered from the nursery to the mothers with support or placed to strangers (in foster care).
Fourth Row
The word is Anmærkninger. The only difference between the lower case “t” and the lower case “k” in black letter typeface (Fraktur) is a little mark that comes down from the top of the “k” above the horizontal line, see BYU script page on Fraktur at The translation of Remarks is correct. It could also mean Notes, or Comments.
From the list at the bottom (that has not already been addressed).
Deraf = of it, that, or thereof (see p. 57 in the 1845 dictionary).
I think everything else was addressed.
Well done on your translations and work on this. It’s tedious work.
Best Regards,
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Thank you very much for the corrections, references, and insights! Just what I needed. :-)