Rasmus Ladsen paper trail & DNA
My DNA results as well as my sibling’s show we are genetically related to Ramus A Nielsen, born 24 Jun 1842, Aarhus, Denmark. His parental line is: Niels Rusmsen (1798-1867); Rasmus Ladsen (1740-1831; 9QVG-G7J); Lads Rasmussen (1704-1763; LHXC-CQ7).
However, my great, great, great great grandfather is Jacob Rasmussen who was married to Anne Hemmingsdatter. They had a son Niels Jacobsen born 24 May 1821, in Praesto. Danish census records show Jacob Rasmussen’s birth year as 1763.
I can’t find any birth records for Jacob Rasmussen. In addition, his birth year of 1763, means he “should” be a child of Rasmus Ladsen and his wife Ann Christensdatter. But, Jacob’s name is not in the Randers census record of 1887.
Any insights or helpful records would very much appreciated.
The above christening record is found in the Karise, Praesto, Denmark parish record 1746-1814 (Arkivalieronline.dk) image 38 in 1763. Karise is where Jacob Rasmussen and Ane Hemmingsdatter are married in 1819. Jacob appears at age 24 in Karise in the 1787 census as a servant. This could be your ancestor's christening record. This doesn't help you connect to the Randers Denmark line.
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This christening record appears to be for Anne Hemmingsdatter. Same location in 1774.
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A brief search on Rasmus Jacobsen for Karise, Praesto, Denmark in FamilySearch yielded possible data.
Jacob- 5 Apr 1763 (matches the previous record)
Hans- 24 Apr 1757
Niels - 4 Aug 1765
Rasmus Jacobsen and Inger Clemensdatter md 24 Nov 1743
Rasmus Jacobsen buried 8 Mar 1765 (birth 1720)
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A similar FamilySearch record search for Hemming Jorgensen yields:
Hemming Jorgensen and Anna Poulsdatter md 20 Oct 1771
Anna - 27 Feb 1774 (matches the parish record copy above)
Jorgensen - Chr 20 Apr 1777, death 11 May 1777
Anna - 5 Apr 1772 (must have died young)
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Praesto is quite a distance from Randers. From the data above it seems unlikely that Jacob Rasmussen is a son of Rasmus Ladsen. Jacob Rasmussen born in 1763 is born well before Rasmus Ladsen is married (1776) to Anne Christensdatter. Could be a previous marriage, but the distance between locations makes the connection seem unlikely.
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Hello and thank you so much for researching my question and finding records pertaining to Jacob Rasmussen!
Earlier I tried to post that my DNA match (and my brother's) is with Hans Nielsen. He appears as 3-5th cousin. We all tested using FamilyTree DNA. Hans Nielsen, UT, has posted an extensive family tree, which includes Ramus Nielsen (1842-1919), Niels Rasmusen (1798-1867) and Rasmus Ladsen (1741-1831). I was trying to use his family tree information to discover our DNA common ancestor. Hans' ancestors are from Randers and as you noted mine are from Praesto.
So, while our DNA says were related I'm still looking for the paper documentation to support it.
Thanks again, Kris
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The Karise parish record shows Jacob Rasmussen as the father of Rasmus Jacobsen Christened in 1720. (Arkivalieronline image 89) Familysearch shows his burial at 14 Sep 1770 approx. birth 1682.
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WOW! Thank you so much. I have been looking at the Danish databases but, of course, I have a very hard time reading and comprehending the script. I did find the 1787 census record for Jacob Rasmussen. The place name on the record is Tryggevaelde Hovedgaard. Maybe Jacob was a servant at the Danish Manor House: Tryggevaelde? https://www.danskeherregaarde.dk/en Hopefully, I'll have a chance to visit Denmark again, soon.