Need Clarification on the Note for Stina Eriksdotter
There are notes on all the household records I have found for Stina Eriksdotter, 1 April 1780. Please help me know what they say. She lives in Julita, Södermanland.
Book 1 b page 124
Book 1b page 84
Book 2 b page 81
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Hello @Gayle Haux ,
These comments are about Stina’s to demonstrate her knowledge of Christian and Lutheran doctrines at the time of household examination. Although they are not genealogically rich, they give some insight into her knowledge and literacy. Here are some of the key terms:
Luth. Cat. is referring to Luther’s Small Catechism
S. Ath. is abbreviated for Symb. Ath. which is the Athanasian Creed
Expl. is referring to Luther’s explanations
Symb. Apost is the Apostle’s creed
Orat is Latin for Prayers
I think the letter “L” is referring to läsa or läsning meaning she showed her ability to read the associated item. There is also quit a bit of Latin in the comments so the Latin Genealogical Word List in the FamilySearch Wiki is helpful see
Here is what I see:
Julita (D) AI:1b (1783-1794) Bild 133 / sid 124, Soldatstugor Bottnes
From left to right: daughter, Stina Ericsdotter, born 1780 1 April, the column Afgådt til is the moving out column. In this case Stina is moving from Soldatstugor Bottens to Botte mellangård. The note to the right has to do with her knowledge of Lutheran doctrine (Luther Catechism, the Athanasian creed. Luther’s Explanations, the Apostles creed. Prayers, and I think read the Lords prayer.
Julita (D) AI:1b (1783-1794) Bild 92 / sid 84, Botten Mellangård
From left to right, the girl (flickan abbreviated), born 1780 1 April, Kom ifrån means moved to this place from Bott. (-ens) Soldatstu. The entire catechism good or well, best (17) 92, same (17)93, and I’m not sure what the the dates 14 of ?, 17 of April, 7 of June meant.
Julita (D) AI:2b (1794-1806) Bild 88 / sid 81, Bottens Västergård
From left to right: Luthers Little Catechism (read from), explanations Decalogue meaning the Ten Commandments (read from) 1800, Prayers Deci (I think de coena domini) L meaning read the Lord’s prayer 1801, not sure on the next one but might be referring to Lit. meaning Lectionem novit or Lessons read 1814, not sure the next but bene is Latin for good or well, ejusdem meaning demonstrated the same day 1814 and ejusdem 1805.
Thank you Morris. One the first record I can't read the name of the mother on the top of the page but following the birth date on the record I have found a birth record. I am again struggling to read the names. I think is says Soldier Ericsson of ? and wife Kirsten Nilsdotter. The mother's name doesn't seem to match the household record though.
The reason I ask is because Stina was connected to the family listed on the 2nd and 3rd records but I don't think she is related to them and I am trying to get her connected to the correct parents.