Verifying, or not, great great grandfather's birth parents
I have someone listing my 2x great grandfather as being born 1823 to a Joannes Baszala and Anna Kolyivosko inG9LX-LZJ. My 2 great grandfather's ID is G9LX-LZJ. In the collaboration tab you will see links to this info to view.
Then there is anotherGeorgius Baszala lilsted as being born 1825 in the same location. to Joannis Baszala and Elisabetha Dautzák. Again with a link to familysearch source.
I am trying to prove or disprove if either one of these couples is indeed Georgius's parents or maybe neither. His death source shows he was 60 yrs old when he died in 1875 which would be 1815. His marriage to Anna Danyko is sourced as July 1850 where it says he was 32 which calculates his birth at 1818.
Can you help me with this?? I sure would appreciate it.
Thank you so very much.
Eileen Basalla Clymer
One thing I'll point out is that Juraj, Georgius, György, and George are all the same name, just in different languages. Which one was written down depended on the language being used for the document, and had no relation whatsoever to what the person actually used. As in, it was a completely accepted thing that someone told the priest "Juraj", and the priest wrote down "Georgius", because he was writing in Latin.
Without a document naming your George's parents, you may not be able to get another generation here. There's nothing to rule out either baptism -- but the answer may well be "neither", anyway.