Who is the correct child for Marie Kirsten Nielsen (Ellermand) (MH46-XFC)?
Census entries show a child "Laust Christensen" estimated born in 1848. Here are two records, a confirmation record showing birth in Sep 1848 and a birth record for January 1949. The two entries have several surnames in common. Please give accurate translation of all relevant text and your opinion. Many thanks.
I'm thinking you inadvertently reversed the mother's name, she is Kirsten Marie. The confirmation record for Laust shows a matching vaccination date of 7.8.51. They are the same person. Parents also match, they marry in 1856 as shown in FamilySearch. https://www.sa.dk/ao-soegesider/en/billedviser?bsid=386003#386003,74128836
I did not see a record for a christening in September. I'd go with the original christening record date.
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Thank you. What then is the correct birth date and who is the father? FS has indexed Peder Madsen from the confirmation record, but the child seems more connected to Christen Laust Rytter.