Translate marriage record
Need help with translation after the bride's age from line 4 to end. Looking for clues about the groom's (Christen Nielsen) parents. Thank you.
My Danish language ability isn't great enough to translate this record, but I don't see anything in it that says anything about his parents. However, if his birthdate of 20 November 1807 in Family Search Tree is correct, then his birth record says that his father is Niels Jensen and his mother is Mariane Christensdatter. That record is found here:,27113539 .
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Translation: On 20 March 1830, the bachelor Christen Nielsen of Harboøre, age 22 1/2, came and published the banns for the marriage of him and the unmarried Ane Jensdatter Rounborg of Kamstruphuus, age 23. The bridegroom and the bride showed their legal vaccination papers as well as multiple requested documents. And as there by the way is nothing that in any way could impede the marriage of these young people, therefore we have two undersigned men as bondsmen/witnesses: Daniel Kalboer, Jens Chrestensen Roeenboer?
The parents' names are not listed. The record above is for the proclamations/marriage banns. The marriage itself took place in Nørre Nissum parish on 8 April 1830 (linked). In that record, we still don't have the parents' names listed; the record states that the bachelor Christen Nielsen of Harboøre, age 22 1/2, and the unmarried Ane Jensdatter Rounborg in Kamstruphuus, age 23, were married in the church on 8 April 1830, as witnessed by Daniel Kalbor and Jens Rounborg. [Jens might be the father of the bride, since they have the same Rounborg surname and since she has the patronymic of Jensdatter.]
The couple is found in the FamilySearch tree; see If this is the right family, Christen Nielsen is listed as being born on 20 Nov 1807 in Harboøre (which matches the marriage record); the link Norm listed goes to the same record as this link:,27113539 where he is listed as Christen, the son of Niels Jensen and his wife Mariane Christensdatter, born on 20 Nov 1807 and baptism publicized on 2nd Christmas day (i.e., 26 December 1807).
Note that in the column next to Christen's birth record, it lists he died in 1868. I located his death record in Harboøre parish; he died on 1 Sep 1868 (linked), and his name there is written as the fisher in Tøt, Christen Nielsen Ellemand, which fits the tree. The death record also lists his father as Niels Jensen and states that Christen was born in Harboøre, is married, and is 61 years old.
Note that in the tree, Christen Nielsen is listed with a second marriage as well. His 29 March 1846 marriage record in Harboøre (linked) states that the widower the fisher in Tøt, Christen Nielsen Ellemand, age 38, married the unmarried Mette Johanne Christensdatter, his housekeeper, age 42. They received their marriage license on 21 March 1846 and were married in the church on 29 March 1846.
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Thank you all for going the extra mile. That helped a lot.