I would like a full translation of this birth record from russian to english. Thank you so much for your help. Here is a direct link to record but you have to login to GenBaza website to view.,detail,114644,11
Zophia Osiecka 1869 birth record
Here is a translation for you:
Entry no. 36 Pruska (it looks like this town no longer exists as I can't find it on a modern map. I did however find it just northwest of Opatowiec on a historical map which you can see here:
In the town of Opatowiec, on the fourth/sixteenth of May 1869, at 8 o'clock in the morning, appeared Wincenty Osieka, a peasant and resident of the village of Pruska, twenty-six years old, in the presence of witnesses Pavel (? unknown surname - Pedzved... something), 32 years old and Jan Moncznik 30 years old, both peasants and residents of the city of Mistrzowice and testified that in the village of Pruska on the third/fifteenth of May of this year at 10 o'clock in the evening of his lawful wife Jadwiga nee Polterak was born a female child who was baptized and given the name of Zophia. The witnesses and godparents were Pavel (? unknown surname - Pedzved...something?) and Franciszka Monchnik. This act was read and signed on behalf of the witnesses.
And if you are curious about why there are two dates, here is an article you might be interested in reading.
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Also, if you are interested, here is a link to "How to" guides to help you read Birth, Marriage and Death Records written in Russian:
There are also some classes available through the Learning Center to help you with the Russian handwriting.
See this link:
Russian translations can be tricky, so you are of course always welcome to post them here!
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I am getting better figuring out the names, but this is by far the most challenging language ever. Thanks so much.