Help With Locating an Area of Vienna
I am trying to narrow down a birth location for a person I am researching. He listed Vienna, Austria (Wien) as his birthplace on several documents. He identified as German and spoke German. I found a more specific location on a record belonging to his sister. I'm hoping they were born in the same place. It looks like Cutiwa, Austria, however, I have not been able to find a location with that name or a similar one using the usual gazetteers. Can someone please help me figure out where this place is? A village or town outside of Wien?
Thank you in advance,
Tamara Hallo
I swear I've seen this placename on a forum somewhere before, but I don't even remember which one, nevermind what the answer was (if any).
What's the name of the person you're actually looking for? Have you tried yet? (Free registration required.) They have a lot of Vienna baptisms carefully indexed, and you can generally find the image to go with it on
For example, the Overall Search on genteam yields one Barbara Kirsch born in 1873:
No. 849550
Lastname Kirsch
Firstname Barbara
Date 1873
District 04
Parish Sankt Elisabeth
BookNr. 07
Page 396
Navigating to that parish etc. on matricula-online leads to this page:
I have no idea whether that's the same Barbara as the mother of Anton Stoiber, since I Can't Read That Dratted Handwriting, but perhaps someone with better alien-alphabet-deciphering skills can see if there's any reference in there to anything like Cutiwa or butina or whatever it says on the birth certificate?
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi, that thread was here:
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Could this be a possibility? It's on the list of German exonyms for places in the Czech Republic:
Chudiwa - Chuděnin
It's a unique enough ending for a town name -"wa"- it may be the village.
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@najensen, I agree that the mother's place of birth could be Chudiwa. Also, there is a place called Jägershof (located in Bavaria-- about 8 km to the west which fits nicely with the information about the father listed on the record. (map)
Per the GenTeam gazetteer, Roman Catholic residents of Chudiwa were part of the parish in Červené Dřevo (previously called Rothenbaum).
Records are available online via the Pilsen archive --
Jägershof belonged to the parish Neukirchen bei Heilig Blut in Bavaria. Records are available at the archive in Regensburg, Germany. See pg. 299
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Camille and najensen
Thank you for taking the time to look over my question and provide an answer. I am finally getting to following up on the Chudiwa connection. Can either one of you or someone in this thread please help me translate the last record with the Kirschbauer names?
Thank you in advance