On page 60, is Myra a farm or a village? What does the abbreviation before Jon Johansson’s name mean
On page 271 in the same volume, what are the two names above Jon Johansson 1793 11/11 and are they possibly relatives? What does it say before (far left side) and after Jon’s name in the darker ink? Is the marriage date 1828 28/12? What does it say before Stina Larsd’s name? In later years, she is listed as Kerstin Larsdotter (illegitimate) 1820 7/2. What do the numbers mean a few columns after her name?
Thank you to the group for all your help transcribing the records I am finding into English.
최고 답변
1) Myra is probably the village. Farms would be named in the same column as the people's names (usually).
2) The names are Pär Pärson and his wife, Ella Larsdotter. In front of Pär's name is the word "Fad(e)r" which means father, but he is probably the father of And(ers) Pärsson at the top of the page. Probably not relatives. However, the wife, Ella, could be a relation to Stina (they both were daughters of a Lars), but there is no way to tell that from this record.
3) The word to the left of Jön Johansson's name is "Husman-farm laborer (owned house but not land)" see: https://www.familysearch.org/wiki/en/Swedish_Genealogical_Word_List). The word to the right of his name is "inbrottsstöld" which is "house-breaking, house-robbing or burglary. See "Swedish Historical Dictionary" here: https://swedishgenealogyguide.com/dictionaries/swedish-historical-dictionary-database-shdd . Search "Begins with..." for "inbrot".
4) Yes, the marriage date is 28 December 1828.
5) The word preceding Stina Larsdotter's name is "Sty(f)d(otte)r". It is "stepdaughter".
6) Numbers in those columns have to do with her reading ability and her knowledge of the catechism.
7) You are welcome. That is what we like to do!!