I am the stake TFH consultant and admin for our stake FamilySearch page. I want to know if I can rea
I am the admin for the stake indexing group, but not all the wards. I just want to be able to get all the new ward TFH leaders to be the admins for the wards. I don't know how that happens or who is in control of it. I wish I could do it, but I don't see how.
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@Trina Denise Spencer It's unclear what you mean about a "stake FamilySearch page." Individual stakes don't have pages on FamilySearch. If you have a stake Facebook (or other social media page) that is focused on FamilySearch or family history, and it conforms to the rules for local unit social media pages, that's a local option, but it is not connected officially to anything directly with FamilySearch (see General Handbook Section for further information). So it's not clear what you mean by the "stake FamilySearch page" or how that figures into the question.
As for assigning ward temple and family history leaders to be indexing group administrators in their wards, that should not be done without their permission, certainly. It's somewhat doubtful that 100% of ward temple and family history leaders would even want to take on that responsibility in addition to their calling as the ward T&FH leader. Indexing workers are NOT necessarily ward consultants, and the ward temple and family history leader's primary responsibility is to work with the consultants - not that indexing shouldn't also be promoted in a ward, of course. But a blanket policy of having all ward T&FH leaders be indexing administrators would seem out of the ordinary at least. Those administrators generally would be more focused specifically on indexing, whereas the ward T&FH leader is to coordinate ALL of the temple and family history activity in the ward. His focus would not be primarily on indexing, and unless he's also an experienced indexer, he'd probably not be the best choice anyway.
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Chris, I appreciate your response, but I don't know how to help you understand. I am the admin for our stake and I can see all the family search content for all of the wards in our stake. I was just trying to figure out how to use it more effectively to support the wards. It seems you can't help me. Thanks though.
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I just asked my wife, who happens to be called by our stake leadership as the assistant family history center director, and she also is not understanding what you mean by some of your terms. I asked you for further clarification above, but without more clear descriptions, I'm very sorry I cannot help you further. I have no idea what you're visualizing when you say you can "see all the family search content for all of the wards in our stake," so I therefore cannot help you "use it more effectively to support the wards." Hopefully someone else can figure out what you're meaning by some of your terms.
If by some chance you're talking about the monthly Family History Activity Report, then yes - there are plenty of ideas that may be available for you, and I'd be happy to try to help. But it could be something entirely different that you're describing above without any specifics. I have no idea what "family search content" you're looking at, other than I doubt you're looking at everyone's Family Tree data in FamilySearch.
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Chris, I really appreciate your efforts. I will find an alternate way to support the wards. Thank you.
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Dear Trina,
Do you have on FamilySearch WIKI a page for your Stake FHC, whether it be Indexing and or Temple and Family History Consultants. Each Family History Centre can have a page on Wiki for each Family History Centre, admin, indexing or opening times and what happens at your Centre. You have to apply to WIKI to add and edit a page regularly, but there is a format that has to be adhered to. I do not think they will want every Ward added as a page. But you need to ask them. I am a Director (old Term) in our stake and I am the only one that can edit our Stake Family History Centre. I have to include any activities for the Stake including Indexing.
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Dear Trina,
I feel that you may be addressing the indexing groups you can see in the various wards. There is an article on how to add or remove the administrators that you may find helpful. The bottom line is, if they are made administrators because of their callings only the stake or ward clerks can change that, otherwise any administrator can change the designation. Here is the article under ? in the top right under help There is also an article about
In indexing groups, what are administration rights and how do I get them?
How do I add or remove group administrator rights for a member of an indexing group?
Hopefully that helps.