Nomes dos meus tataravós italianos
FamilySearch has Rovigo province records from 1871. Some years are missing. I can not find the birth of Cesare Papa in 1880, but I did find Doralice's birth record:,51459801&cc=1482864
It says she was born 19 Dec 1887 at house #37 in the Selva frazione of Crespino. Her father was about age 43. According to the annotation in the margin Doralice and Cesare married 2 Feb 1907 in Buso Sarzano. The actual record is not available, but the marriage supplements are, starting here:,51118901&cc=1482864
Cesare was actually born in Crespino but lived in Ceregnano at the time of the marriage. This extracted copy of his birth record says he was born 15 Apr 1880 at house #34 in the San Cassiano frazione of Crespino. His father was about age 40.
Ceregnano records:
Crespino records: