Is there someone in this group who could translate this for me?
@LindaSwanChristensen LindaSwanChristensen A link to the record would really help us see this. The handwriting is good but when we download the image it is a bit too blurry to do it justice.
I believe this is in Astrup, Hjorring.
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Parents: Unmarried Kirsten Marie Pedersen, 26 years old and said to be father Christen Christian Nielsen servant from Bøgsted (village in Astrup). Last column indicates this is the 2nd child with the same father. Possible match here in the 1870 census. Hjørring, Vennebjerg, Mygdal, Nyeng Mk., Et huus, 139, FT-1870,
Navn: Alder: Status: Stilling i familien: Erhverv: Fødested:Jensine Marie Pedersdatter 80 Enke Huusmoder Fattiglem Hjørring
Kirstine Marie Pedersen 35 Ugift Ovennævntes datter Haandarbeide Mygdal
Niels Peder Christian Christensen 10 Ugift Barn Mygdal
Hans Peter Christensen 8 Ugift Barn Astrup Sogn, Hjørring Amt
Inger Marie Johanne Nielsen 2 Ugift Barn
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Christening record for Niels Peter Christian Christensen (Christen Jensen). The name Christen Jensen appears in a dotted circle,and also interesting... the record immediately below has the same name with reversal of names. Christen Jensen (Niels Peter Christian Christensen) is in the dotted circle.I believe the priest initially recorded the names incorrectly and then came back and made the corrections. There are entirely different parents and witnesses so they are two different children being christened.,75912221
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1880 census Kirsten and the father of her children are betrothed. Hjørring, Vennebjerg, Asdal, Asdal Sogn [6], 5. Et Hus, FT-1880,
Navn: Alder: Status: Stilling i familien: Erhverv: Fødested:Kirsten Marie Pedersen 45 Forlovet Husmoder Mygdal sogn Hjørring
Kristen Kristian Nielsen 49 Forlovet Husmand,arbejdsmand Husmand.arbejdsmand Tolne sogn Hjørring amt
Inger Marie Johanne Nielsen 12 Ugift Deres barn Mygdal sogn Hjørring amt
Nielsine Kristensen 5 Ugift Deres barn Mygdal sogn Hjørring amt
Kristian Jepsen Kristiansen 1 Ugift Adoptivbarn N.Tversted Hjørring amt
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Thank you so much for your help! Here is the link to the record: