Need your help for translation
Could you help for translation ? Genealogical informations (name, places, dates..)
Or, if you want, could you enter this name in FamilyTree ?
Thank you
I wish I could help but my grandfather only spoke English with me. But he spoke Greek with business associates. My mother never was fluent in Greek. Appears to me you need help in translating an ID or passport. The postage stamps are probably the payment for the card. I'm having some trouble reconciling 1914, 50, and 1943. But I will save this email. I don't mean to pass the buck, but have you tried a Greek Orthodox priest to help you translate?
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I suggest that you upload this to the HellenicGenealogyGeek Facebook page, as there are many people there who are fluent in reading Greek, and who will be happy to translate it for you.
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Thank you !!
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No. Not any orthodox priest in my town. Sorry
I am trying solution suggested by Carol Kostakos Petranek
Thank you