Birth Record Translation Help!
I am hoping someone can help me translate this record? My ancestor is Knut Pettersson Born May 5, 1783. I am wondering if his record is indeed on this page (I think I can make out the name “knut” in the May 5 entry). Also, I am interested in any other information in the entry, particularly any information about his parents.
Thank you!!!
Hello #[kaseymarienelson1 kaseymarienelson1] ,
The entry reads:
On 5 May was born and on 7 ditto (May) was christened Per Jöns (-sons) and Anna Larsdotters male child in Råus (shortned for Råhus) by (the) name Knut. Tyre Nils Nilssons of Gantofta carried the child (up to the christening), Godparents Nils Jönsson and Ola Nilsson of Råus, along with Olu Nils Jöns (-sons) and Elna Rasmus Anders (-sons) of the same place. Tyre, Olu and Elna could be wives or daughters of the mentioned men, or servants at their households.
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Hi Morris!
Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it! This is just the info I was hoping for! So exciting!!!!!