Need inspiring family history-related social media content
I am always looking for family history social media content – in addition to links on this group page, familysearch activities/videos,,, newsroom and Pinterest. What other content goldmines can you point me to?
@hhowell1 hhowell1 That is a fabulous question and one that I think a number of people have great things to share. ⭐️ I am going to tag @Olivia Jewell @angelleanderson angelleanderson, @Miles A Meyer and the @Engaging Youth in Family History group so we can have a good conversation. Hopefully others will join in.
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Awesome, Heather! Thank you for your tags and I hope members will share content and/or ideas. I need items to help motivate users to begin their family history (or rekindle family history veterans). For example: 1) picture quotes, 2) short videos where someone tells a brief experience about an ancestor, 3) links to articles that would be helpful for beginners, etc. I am reposting a picture quote I found recently through groups.
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Please click "expand post" on the "Remember me in the family tree" photo to see comments.
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@hhowell1 hhowell1
I'd recommend using your own family history as content and blend it with the very beautiful picture quotes etc.
I've found you get more involvement when you share family history that is personal. It's showing/teaching others what they can with their own FH rather than saying, "you should do this because..." Plus you are sharing and recording your own history in a more modern way.
Share to your users, then share the same with your family..two for the price of one!
Here are some ideas:
You can use a single photo and tell a SHORT story about just one aspect in the photo. Maybe the clothing being worn, the people in the photo, the location or background, the season, the activity happening in the photo, etc.
You can use an old photo and show a more modern photo of the same thing side by side to tell a very story or show how people changed or show the same angle of a picture taken 50 decades apart, etc.
Share an old photo and ask for help identifying some element of the photo. When I've done this, I had people all over the world respond and help me identify the vehicle in the photo.
If sharing to a non family group, this provides ideas to the viewer of what they can do with that shoebox full of photos and shows them how easy it can be to record some history. And if sharing to a family group, the benefits are priceless.
Hope this is helpful.
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tons of stuff on youtube and google
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@hhowell1 hhowell1 I am going to tag @ZanitraWells ZanitraWells because I think she would also have some great ideas to share.
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Check these out:
- The Family History Guide activities for families, individuals, youth, and children
- In-home and Online Activities on FamilySearch
- BYU Family History Technology Lab (games using your family tree, etc.)
- The Twenty-one Day Family Connections Experiment
- Come, Follow Me Companion (family history activities for each lesson - see an example here)
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Thanks, @angelleanderson angelleanderson , these links are also posted at the right side of this page (Engaging Youth in Family History). You will find them and many other resources for engaging youth in family history. Let us know about other great resources you find, @hhowell1 hhowell1 !
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Outstanding idea, Kelli! Thank you
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I appreciate it, Heather! Thank you
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I'll keep looking. Thanks, Dennis!
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To Heather, angelle and ctr sweeting: These are great! I'll check them out. Thank you. 😃
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Thank you for your helpful tags, Heather!
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I really like the verse by Linda Goetsch. Thank you for sharing it!
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Can you use the I'm my Own Grandpa song for anything?
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@Anne LoForte Willson , that is a funny song! Always gets a laugh. Here's the link to the song: I've also added it to the Miscellaneous section on this page.
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This is a fun family-created, family history-focused video, too: Family Tree Rhapsody—
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I remember this song, but hadn't seen it with the "illustration," which is really fun! Thanks so much for sharing, ctr sweetie!
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This YouTube video is wonderful, ctr sweetie! What a great find! Thank you for pointing me in this direction.
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Should I fess up that it's my ringtone on my phone? 😆
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Love it!! 💚
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No way! 😂