Helper Resources-Helping others. I noticed that in "Family Tree" under Helper Resources helping oth
Jay Hales
Wondering why there is that disconnect between "Family Search" and "Family Tree". I would think that those I am helping in one program would be the same in the other. Do I need to do something or is there no connection there?
That's odd. I just logged into FamilySearch and checked my helper resources list there before going to my tree in Family Tree. Then I went to my tree in Family Tree, and the lists are the same. Am I misunderstanding your question and where you're looking?
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@Clifford Jay Hales
Your 'Question' is somewhat confusing ...
Now ...
That said ...
Lets see ...
The "Help Others"; and,
the "(Consultant) Planner",
are two (x2), totally separate; and, distinctly different, features/functions/facilities.
They are NOT, 'one and the same' ...
When you use the "Help Other" you are ONLY helping someone, 'there and then', at the time. When you "Stop" helping them, then that is it, you are NO LONGER Helping them. As such, they DO NOT necessarily have to appear in your "(Consultant) Planner" - unless you have them listed IN your "(Consultant) Planner" as someone who you are providing 'ongoing' help to.
Whereas, in the "(Consultant) Planner" you have a "List" of those that you are providing 'ongoing' help to, what you might say, "Continually" Helping, they stay on your "(Consultant) Planner" for a MAXIMUN period of x12 Months (after which you need to "Renew"/"Re-Add" them onto your "(Consultant) Planner").
So, in short, those that you are helping through the "Help Others" feature/function/facility will NOT (necessarily) appear in the "List" of those that you are helping through your "(Consultant) Planner".
Does that make sense?
Does this address your 'Questions'?
If, NOT; then, please advise.
I hope this helps.
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Will try to be more clear. When I am using my computer and open Family Search, I click on the help button and go to Helper Resources. When that page opens on the right hand side shows Planner then my name and the list of people I am currently helping as soon in screen shot.
When I open the Family Tree app on my ipad and click on the More button bottom right hand then hit the Helper Resources it does not show anyone. There is a button to add someone. The add process looks the same as in Family Search by sending an invite to someone by email or other means. So I tested it and just sent an invite to a person who is on my list in Family Search.
I hope this is more clear.
Jay Hales
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@Clifford Jay Hales
That is much clearer; and, certainly, less confusing ...
So ...
That said ...
Your 'Questions' more so relate to the use of the "Mobile" Application version of 'FamilySearch', with an ('Apple') "iPad", rather than us of the "Web" version of 'FamilySearch', with a Computer ...
Now ...
That said ...
What you have brought up IS a MAJOR "Discrepancy" between, the "Web" version of 'FamilySearch', with a Computer; and, the "Mobile" Application version of 'FamilySearch', with a "Mobile" (eg. Phone; or, Tablet) device.
I DO NOT use the "Mobile" Application version of 'FamilySearch', with a with a "Mobile" (eg. Phone; or, Tablet) device, all that often.
And, I had NEVER gone looking for the "Helper Resources" in/through the the "Mobile" Application version of 'FamilySearch', with a with a "Mobile" (eg. Phone; or, Tablet) device.
But ...
That said ...
I just tried what you were referencing ...
It took me some time to access the "Helper Resources" in/through the the "Mobile" Application version of 'FamilySearch', with a "Mobile" (eg. Phone; or, Tablet) device - it is NOT intuitive; or, as EASY as "Web" version of 'FamilySearch', with a Computer.
And, by the way, I do not use 'Apple' devices (eg, Phones; or, iPads = Tablets).
So, in this instance, I used my 'Android' "Mobile" Phone ...
And, you are ... SO ... CORRECT, 'spot on' ...
WHERE are ALL those who are 'Listed' in MY "(Consultant) PLANNER"!!!???
Wow ...
That is a definite FAULT/FLAW ...
That is something that NEEDS addressing/fixing ASAP ...
Now ...
That said ...
Can I humbly suggest that, as you found this Fault/Flaw, can you please raise this matter in BOTH:
(1) the 'Feedback' in/through the "Mobile" Application version of 'FamilySearch', itself; and,
(2) the ("New") "IDEAS" Forum (ie. Platform) in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum
..... [ which is the (Temporary) REPLACEMENT for the OLD 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum ]
This is the "GetSatisfaction" replacement
By the way ...
That is a good 'pick-up' ... 'a good catch'
I cannot recall ANYONE bringing that up before ...
Well done.
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Thanks for your time and answer.
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Hello Clifford,
Sometimes I have to refresh my app by downloading it anew from the app store.
Don't know if this will help you.
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Thanks for the suggestion. I did download an update checked earlier today and still no list of those who are in my Help list. Checked a few minutes ago and those names are now on the list.
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Brett a strange thing happened today. I opened my ipad to the mobile Family Search/Tree app, still no one on my list in Helper Resources. I took a screen shot to submit as you suggested. I reopened the app a few minutes ago and now the list is there. I did download an up dated version a few days ago but not sure why less than an hour apart the list would appear. Thanks for your help.
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Clifford, it is what it is. I hope that fix will continue to work. That is what I do when my app is stuck somewhere.
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This can happen often be sure that Google Chrome or Firefox (whatever you are using) is up to date. Also clear all cookies and cache and then sometimes you have to reboot. There is no problem on the web but there is an issue on the IOS and Android.