Reading a Passport Record
I found what appears to be a passport record for my ancestor, but I'm having a hard time reading what it says. This is the link: I'm trying to read the entry for Thereza de Jesus, the second from the top. Thanks in advance.
Procuro por JOSÉ MARCELLO CALÇADO. ( Bunheiro , Murtosa Portugal.)
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Can you read the headings? It is a unfocused and I cannot read the headings either. If I knew what the question in the heading, I might be able to figure out the answer in your specific entry: Thereza de Jesus, 2nd from top
Pat Lowe
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Ok, I tried again
column headings
1, 2, 3 year, month, day of passport
4, passport number
5 nome/name
6 estato/ married, single etc
7 profeseso?/occupation
8 edad/age
9 not sure but think height
16 Clr? Not sure/skin color. She is Morena/brown
17 Destino/Destination hers estao unidos d’america/ united states of america
18 Quem leva em sus compashia? Not sure but who paid for your passage, or who ate you going to stay with? I c@n’t read her answer
if it was focused I think I read more
good luck,
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Col 6, she was casado/married
7 her answer was Gen’s dom’?/not sure but domestic?
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Hello @atccn atccn
For that record I red it like this:
Ano: 1906
Mês: Setembro
Dia: 13
Numero de Passaporte: 477
Nome: Thereza de Jesus
Estado: Casada
Profissão: Governante doméstica
Edade: 27
Altura: 1.58
?: Comprido
Cabelo: Escuros
?: Escuros
Olhos: Castanhos claros
Nariz: Regular
?: Regular
Côr: Morena
Destino: E Unidos d'America
Quem leva em sua companhia: suas filhas Marianna de ? Luiza de ? e ? José de ?
Ilha: Fayal
Concelho: Horta
Freguesia: Matriz
Sabem Escrever:
?: /
?: -
Nome do Navio: Peninsular
Observações: Uma cicatriz na testa e um signal escuro na face dereito
Year: 1906
Month: September
Day: 13
Passsport number: 477
Name: Thereza de Jesus
State: Married
Profession: House Keeper
Age: 27
Height: 1.58
?: Long
Hair: Dark
?: Dark
Eyes: Light brown
Nose: Regular
?: Regular
Color: Brunette
Destination: United States of America
Who takes in your company: your daughters Marianna de ? Luiza de ? and ? José de ?
Island: Fayal
County: Horta
Parish: Matriz
Can Write:
?: /
?: -
Vessel Name: Peninsular
Observations: A scar on the forehead and a dark signal on the right face
I've marked what I couldn't read with a question mark.
Maybe someone else can understand what is missing.
As for the daughters you may have an idea of the family name.
Best regards,
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Thanks so much, @Pat Lowe and @RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun. The most important piece of information that I got from that was the parish, which enabled me to find Thereza's baptismal record. Here it is: I more or less get the first part of it (on the 10th day of June of the year 1879, in the parish church of Matriz do Santissimo Salvador, county of Horta, diocese of Angra, I baptized an individual of the feminine sex, whom I gave the name Thereza, and who was born on the 29th day of May of said year, legitimate daughter of Jose Pereira da Roza, worker, and Leonor Constancia...), but that's about as far as I get. What else can you get out of it?
Again, thanks so much - I never would have found this without your help.
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Paternal grandparents are: Francisco Pereira da Rosa and Luzia Thomasia
Maternal grandparents are: Manuel Pereira de Avila and Ludovina Constancia
Godparents: Manuel Francisco Duarte and his wife, Thereza Emilia Dias.
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Hello @atccn atccn and @Pat Lowe
For the achievements so far I assume your understanding of Portuguese is perfect so your problem must be the handwriting
So I would write it in plain Portuguese like this:
Aos seis dias do mez de Junho do anno
de mil oito centos setenta e nove, n'esta egreja
parochial Matriz do Santissimo Salvador, con-
celho da Horta, Diocese d'Angra, baptizei so-
lemnemente um individuo do sexo feminino,
a quem dei o nome de Thereza, e que nas-
ceu n'esta freguezia ás doze horas da noi-
te do dia vinte e nove do mez de Maio
do dito anno, Filha legitima de José Pe-
reira da Roza, trabalhador, e de Leonor
Constancia, naturaes d'esta freguezia, onde
foram recebidos e são parochianos, mora-
dores no sitio do Monte ?{Casueiro?}, neta pa-
terna de Francisco Pereira da Roza, e de
Luiza Thomazia, e materna de Manuel
Pereira d'Avila e de Ludovina Constancia
Foi padrinho Manuel Francisco Duarte,
casado, proprietario, e madrinha sua mu-
lher Thereza Emilia Dias, os quaes todos
sei serem os proprios. E para constar la-
vrei em duplicado este assento que depois
de ser lido e conferido perante os padri-
nhos, comigo não assignou o padrinho por
não saber escrever. Era ut upra.
Thereza Emilia Dias
O Vigario José Leal Furtado
I assume you will do a better job translating this to English tan I would ever do.
Nevertheless in the event you need some help with that I'd be glad to.
Best regards,
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Thanks, @RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun. Honestly, I don't speak a word of Portuguese - I've been getting by with Google Translate and family history blogs. Nevertheless, I think I understand most of the record now. Monte Carneiro is a nearby mountain, so I imagine that's what it says. Anyway, I found yet another document, this time a record of the marriage between Thereza and her husband Manuel. (This archive is really a treasure trove.) Here it is: (It goes onto the next page.) Again, I understand the first part (date, place, bride and groom) but need help with the rest of it. (If only I was fluent in Portuguese...)
Manuel ultimately immigrated to America, followed later by his wife and children. They settled in California, where they took up farming and had two additional children, one of whom was my great-grandfather. The American records, however, told me very little about their lives in the Azores. (The children even Anglicized their names - Mariannade became Marian and Leonor became Eleanor.) These Portuguese records are giving me, piece by piece, the rest of the story, and I couldn't be more grateful for all your help in understanding them.
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I read the paternal grandmother as Luiza Thomazia
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Congratulations on your research. Some people don't even try due to the language barrier Well done @atccn atccn
The marriage record states the following:
On January 15th 1896 in the parish church of Santissimo Salvador, county of Horta, Diocese of Angra, in my presence, were the bride and groom, Manuel José de Vargas and Thereza de Jesus, whom I know, with all the current paperwork required, and without any canonical or civil impediment to be married, and having in this act the verbal consent to the bride who is still a minor by her father, in the presence of the witnesses later mentioned: him, of 22 years of age, bachelor, worker, legitimate son of Bernardino de Vargas and Umbelina Isabel, from the parish of Sam Pedro, island of Santa Maria, in this diocese, where he was baptized, residing in the parish of Flamengos in this county of Horta,
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(cont. on the next page) @atccn atccn
and her, of 16 years of age, spinster, legitimate daughter of José Pereira da Rosa and Leonor Constancia, from this parish, where she was baptized and resides.
The witnesses were Manuel de Sousa Bettencourt, married, merchant, and Antonio da Costa, bachelor, worker, residents of "this city".
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@Fernando AntonioGomes Calcado em que ano? E que documento procura?
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Na faixa de 1850 e poucos
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I found this baptismal record that appears to be for Manuel. However, the ink seems a little faded, so I'm having a hard time reading it. It starts at the bottom of the first page and has a lot of writing in the margins. Any help transcribing or translating it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks to all who have helped me with these documents - I never imagined I'd be able to find out so much about my ancestors.
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@atccn atccn have you got any help on this last document yet?
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@Adilia Mata No, I haven't. Thanks for asking.
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@Fernando AntonioGomes Calcado Já procurou nos registos paroquiais da freguesia de Bunheiro, no Arquivo Distrital de Aveiro?
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This record refers to a person called Manoel Soares Coelho, who married Maria Umbelina de Jesus. Is this the person you're looking for?
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@Adilia Mata You are right: it isn't him. I think I figured out what happened. The US records contained two possible birth years: 1873 (on a draft registration card) and 1874 (on his tombstone). I presumed that the tombstone was correct, but it turns out it wasn't. The Manoels from the 1874 baptismal registry clearly don't fit. When I checked the baptismal registry for 1873, I found this entry, which seems to fit much better. (The date of birth and parents' names both appear to match up with what I know.) Entry no. 5, bottom of the left page. If you can, I'd appreciate some help in translating it. Thanks for bearing with me.
I suppose the moral of this story is that genealogical information can be wrong even when it is literally set in stone. Trust but verify!
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This is the way I read it
Aos nove dias do mes de Fevereiro
do anno de mil outo centos, e ssseten-
ta e tres, n'esta egreja Parochial do
Apostolo S. Pedro, Concelho da Villa
do Porto da Ilha de Santa Maria, Di-
ocese d'Angra, baptizei solemnemen-
te um individuo do sexo masculino
a quem dei o nome de Manoel e que
nasceo nesta freguesia as sete horas
da noite do dia dois do dito mez e an-
no, filho legitimo, primeiro do nome,
de Bernardino de Resendes, trabalha-
dor, e Umbelina Izabel , naturaes d'esta
digo Umbelina Izabel, que se ocupa
do governo domestico, naturaes d'esta
Parochial de S. Pedro, onde forão rece-
bidos, Parochianos, e moradores na
Ribeira d'Engenho, neto paterno
de João Bernardo,e Anna Jacintha, e
materno d'Antonio de Braga, e Ma-
ria Laurencia. Forão Padrinhos,
Antonio de Braga, Trabalhador, e sua mulher,
Francisca Umbelina, os quais todos
sei serem os proprios. E para cons-
tar lavrei em duplicado este assento
que depois de ser lido e conferido peran-
te os padrinhos não assignarão por
não saberem ler, nem escrever.
Era ut supra. ? entrelinha /trabalhador/
? José Ignacio de Viveiros Mello
At 1873/Feb/09 in this Parochial church of
Apostolo S. Pedro, Villa Municipality
from the Port of Santa Maria Island,
Diocese d'Angra, I baptized solemnly
a male person
whom I named Manoel and who
was born in this parish at seven o'clock
the night of day two of said month and year,
legitimate son, first of name, of
Bernardino de Resendes, worker,
and Umbelina Izabel, who takes care of
of the domestic government, borned in this
Parochial of S. Pedro, where they will be
parochians, and residents in the
Ribeira d'Engenho, paternal grandson
João Bernardo, and Anna Jacintha, and maternal
d'Antonio de Braga, and
Maria Lansencia. Forão Padrinhos,
Antonio de Braga, Worker, and his wife,
Francisca Umbelina, all of whom
I know they are my own. Is for
appear I plowed this seat in duplicate
that after being read and checked
before the godparents will not assign by
they cannot read or write.
It was ut supra. ? leading / worker /
? José Ignacio de Viveiros Mello
Note: I´m not sure about the names Maria Laurencia and João Bernardo. You better confirm those names if you can.
Hope this helps
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Thanks, @RicardoLindengrun RicardoLindengrun. I found Bernardino and Umbelina in FamilySearch, and I also found this marriage record for them: (It goes onto the next page.) Any help in transcribing or translating it would be very much appreciated. Again, thanks to all who have helped - you've gone above and beyond the call of duty in putting up with me and my myriad records.
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@atccn atccn one thing that would help you tremendously in your research would be to go ahead and transcribe the documents yourself. Please don't take this the wrong way. I teach portuguese paleography and that is the first step to become better at understanding historical documents. You end up understanding the handwritting better each time. It takes patience and more patience. I've done it with other languages like Danish and German, and I don't speak those languages. Then, came over to the group and ask for help on the parts you find harder.
With all that being said, the document you found says that on the 11th of March 1866 in São Pedro, Vila do Porto, Ilha de Santa Maria, Bernardino Soares and Umbelina Izabel were married, without any canonical or civil impediment. He was 25 years old, bachelor, worker, residing in Alto. Legitimate son of João Bernardo from Catedral do Santissimo Salvador, in the city of Angra; and Anna Jacintha, from the parish of São Pedro. The bride was also 25 years old, spinster, residing in Ribeira do Engenho, from the parish of São Pedro. Legitimate daughter of Antonio de Braga and Maria Laurencia, from the same parish. The witnesses were João Bernardo, married, worker, residing in Alto, and Ignacio Coelho, married, harvesting worker, residing in Ribeira do Engenho.
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Thanks, @Adilia Mata - I appreciate that. I tried to transcribe the new record I found (Bernardino's baptismal record), but suffice it to say I didn't get very far. It seems to be written in a different format (it doesn't start with "Aos ___ dias do mes de ___ do anno de ___"), so I didn't have much of a pattern to go off of. I've put the bits and pieces that I could read below, although I doubt they'll be of much help. Could I have some assistance in transcribing/translating this record? I'd really appreciate it. If it's not too much trouble, I think it would help me if I could see the original Portuguese as well as the English translation. Having the Portuguese gives me something to work with when I try to transcribe similar documents - a lot of them follow a very similar pattern, and having an example makes it easier for me to transcribe other records. (Teaching paleography sounds like it would be fascinating - as well as a big help in transcribing these sorts of documents.)
Again, I can't begin to say how grateful I am for all the assistance that you all have given me. It's had a major impact in digging up information that I never would have found any other way. It's the one on the bottom half of the right-hand page.
Bernardino, son of João Bernardo
born in Angra
Anna Jacinta of said parish
d'Antonio Bernardo
Catedral da Santa Barbara
All of São Pedro
One thousand eight hundred...
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@atccn atccn I'm glad you didn't take offense with my suggestion.
I'll do it in a few minutes
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@atccn atccn
"Bernardino, filho de João Bernardo, jornaleiro, na/tural da Cathedral do Santissimo Salvador na cida/de de Angra, e de sua mulher Anna Jacinta desta / Paroquial do Apostolo São [Pedro] lugar da Flor da Rosa Alta / desta Ilha de Santa Maria, moradores no termo do / .... desta mesma Paroquial, Nepto / Paterno d'Antonio Bernardo, e de sua mulher / Ursula Narcisa, ambos da mesma Cathedral, e / Materno de Francisco de Rezendes da Paroquial / de Santa Barbara desta mesma Ilha e de sua Mu-/lher Ignacia Bernardina desta do Apostolo / São Pedro, nasceo aos dez dias d'Outubro de/ mil oito centos e trinta e nove, e foi baptizado / aos vinte do mesmo, nesta Paroquial de Seus Pais, / por mim Bernardino Jose ...lado, Vigario / Proprio della; foi padrinho João Soares do / Canto Figueiredo, a Madrinha sua Irmã / Dona Anna Umbelina Micaella, filhos do Mor- / gado Luiz de Figueiredo Velho Melo Falcão, / já falecido, e de sua mulher Dona Joanna do Canto Cor- / te Real; e forão testemunhas Mauricio Borges, soltei- / ro e Bernardino Joze de Souza Sacristão desta Igrei- / ja, que comigo assignarão este termo por mim / feito no dia, mez, e anno supra dito, que o es- / crevi, e assignei"
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@atccn atccn
"Bernardino, son of João Bernardo, day labourer, from Cathedral do Santissimo Salvador in the city of Angra, and his wife Anna Jacinta from the parish of Apostolo São [Pedro] place of Flor da Rosa Alta in the Island of Santa Maria, residing at (...) in this parish, Paternal grandson of Antonio Bernardo, and his wife Ursula Narcisa, both from the same Cathedral, and maternal of Francisco de Rezendes from the parish of Santa Barbara of this same island and his wife Ignacia Bernardina from this one Apostolo São Pedro, he was born on the 10th of October 1839, and was baptized on the 20th of the same, in this parish of his parents, by me Bernardino Jose ...lado, Vicar of said church; the godfather was João Soares do Canto Figueiredo, the godmother was his sister Anna Umbelina Micaella, children of Morgado [this is a title, it has to do with being the owner of entailed estate, a form of trust established by deed which restricts the sale or inheritance] Luiz de Figueiredo Velho Melo Falcão, already deceased, and his wife Joanna do Canto Corte Real; and the witnesses were Mauricio Borges, bachelor, and Bernardino Joze de Souza sacristan of this church, that with me will sign this term made on the day, month and year mentioned above, which I wrote and signed.
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@Adilia Mata - Thanks again for your help. I worked on a baptismal record today, and I was actually by and large able to translate it. There was one phrase that I was curious about: it talked about "Manuel...que vive da sua agencia." What does this mean? I couldn't find an adequate translation.
Also, I found this death record. I understand the first part (date, parish, name), but not the rest. I haven't used this kind of document before, so I'd really appreciate having some sort of an example transcription\translation. No. 7, Bernardino.
Again, thanks so much for your unfailing support.
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Hello @Adilia Mata
The statement "Manuel...que vive da sua agencia." doesn't seems to be right.
Could it be "Manuel...que vive na rua nomedarua."?
That would translate to "Manuel ... who lives in the street streetname."
Can you share the image link for us to try to read the street name?
Best regards
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As for the death record:
Aos desenove dias do mez de Ju-
nho do anno de mil outo cen-
centos e outenta e um por
desastre na rua da Garrida
desta freguesia do Apostolo Salva-
dor , Concelho da Villa do Porto da
Ilha de Sancta Maria Diocese d'
Angra , faleceu, sem receber os
sacramentos da Santa Madre
Egreja, um indeviduo do sexo mas-
culino, trabalhador, casado, com
Umbelina Izabel natural d'esta
Parochial, morador no sitio
da Ribeira d'Engenho, filho Legi-
timo de João Bernardo trabalhaor
natural da Cidade d'Angra do He-
roismo, e d'Anna Jacintha, ocupa-
da no governo domestico , natural
desta referida Parochial, não fez
testamento; deixou quatro filhos
e foi sepultado no cemiterio
publico. E para constar lavrei
em duplicado este assento que
Era ut supra
Vigario José Ignacio de Viveiros Mello