I would appreciate help finding info for Tanzilli, Torriero, Di Ruzza for before 1890 in the Roccase
Thomasina Di Ruzza. Pasquale Torriero. Donazio Tanzilli. Felice Tanzilli. Maria Angela Di Ruzza.
Thomasina Di Ruzza. Pasquale Torriero. Donazio Tanzilli. Felice Tanzilli. Maria Angela Di Ruzza.
Are these the ancestors you're looking for or their parents?
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GM1F-D38 ?
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L525-N5H ? Any relation with Maria Angela?
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Do mean Roccasecca in the Province of Frosinone? It looks like most of the records on FamilySearch here: https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/130544?availability=Family%20History%20Library
and on the Antenati here: http://dl.antenati.san.beniculturali.it/v/Archivio+di+Stato+di+Caserta/Stato+civile+napoleonico+e+della+restaurazione/Roccaseccaprovincia+di+Frosinone/
are before the time frame you need for now.
So I would suggest writing to the church or municipality to request records. More information about that can be found here.
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I am not aware of a relationship with Maria Antonnia Di Ruzza (L525-N5H), but I believe the Di Ruzza clan was from Caserta, near Roccasecca. So, it seems probable there is a relationship. My great great grandfather, Felice Tanzilli, married Maria Angela Di Ruzza. My great great grandfather, Pasquale Torriero, married Tomasina (or, Thomasina) Di Ruzza. I do not have marriage events or birth/death dates for the Di Ruzza ladies nor information about the parents of either of them. My Aunt Mary indicated Tomassina was the third cousin of Dona Maria Angela. I am hoping to find search clues to
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Hi! Thank you. These are siblings of my great great grandfather, Pasquale Torriero
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GM1F-D38 is Felice Tanzilli, my great great grandfather. His father was Donazio Tanzilli. I do not have any birth/death records, spouse name, or marriage event information for Donazio. Hope to find some.
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Check here. These are the birth indexes from 1809 to 1847.
They are in alphabetical order. It should be easy to find Donazio's birth even of it takes a bit of patience
And this the marriages indexes from 1809 to 1849
Let me know
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Thank you very much for your kind and valuable assistance. I am eager to begin exploring the web links that you mention. May I ask if you are located in Italy? I am in the Eastern time zone of the U.S. near Cleveland, Ohio.
Kind regards,
James Tanzilli
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South of Italy.
Please keep me updated about your search.
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Hello Barbara,
Thank you again for helping me. I found good information in the Antenati. I am continuing to search for more. May I ask you questions about some of the information I found that I do not understand? I have two questions. I will send only one question now and a separate email for the second question.
Question 1. My grandfather was Domenico Tanzilli, born 30 November 1884. My great grandfather was Felice Tanzilli, married to Maria Angela Di Ruzza. I believe that I found the birth record for Felice. (Antenati for 2 July 1836, birth 101, page image 106 and 107.) This means Felice was 48 years old was Domenico was born. I believe this may be my great grandfather because on page image 107 is a notation written many years later that specifically mentions Mariangela Di Ruzza. The date is 14 September 1872. I do not know what this notation is meant to convey. Could this be the date that Felice and Maria Angela married? I cannot interpret the handwriting to let me use Google Translate. I hope the attached screenshot is clear enough for you to read.
I did find a birth record, also in 1836, for a girl named Mariangela De Ruzza, birth number 95, but I do not have enough information yet to think that she may have been Felice's future wife.
I will be grateful, Barbara, for any help or suggestions you can provide.
I hope all is well with you and that the weather in Southern Italy is beautiful.
Kind regards,
James Tanzilli
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Ciao Barbra,
This is my second question.
My grandmother was Marianna Torriero, born 16 May 1884 or 1885 (conflicting records). Her father was Pasquale Torriero, married to Tommasina De Ruzza. In the Antenati for 1862 Births, I found Pasquale Torriero, born 1 June 1862 to Giuseppe Torriero and Maria Felica Grimaldi. This would make Pasquale age 22 when Mariana was born; so I believe they are my great grandparents.
I searched the Antenati Wedding records and found for 24 January 1858 the marriage of Giuseppe Torriero (age 22) and Maria Felica Grimaldi (age 22). (Wedding #2, page image 8 and 9). Giuseppe's parents: Giulio Torriero and Giovanna Frazoli. Maria Felica's parents: Giacomantonio Torriero and ???. She is listed in the marriage record but I cannot read the handwriting.
I am attaching a screenshot of the marriage record. Are you able to decipher her name? It looks as if her family name may have been Varisi or Vazisi. I cannot read her first name.
Once again, thank you for your help!
Kind regards,
James tanzilli
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Ciao James,
here in Italy lovely weather and I'm Ok thank you.
What about you, are you well? Where exactly do you live?
The note at the right bottom says this (Italian first and then translation):
14 settembre 1872 n. 19
Il Tranzilli ha sposato in Roccasecca Mariangela Di Ruzza fu Marcantonio
Caserta, 27 Luglio 187(7), not so sure about the 7 at the end
Mr Tranzilli got married to Mariangela Di Ruzza (her father's name Marcantonio)
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It should be SPERANZA PARISI (In italia Speranza means HOPE).
Have a look at the witnesses' names at the right side: you should see GIUSEPPE GRIMALDI (see the double "P" are exactly the same as in Speranza?).
As far as it concerns PARISI (I'm 99,9999999% sure it is that and not VARISI), please check any other document of the Antenati 1862 Births, maybe with the first name as Pasquale or Paolo/Paola among the most common and see if it is the same. Most of the scanned documents have a list at the very last pages in alphabetical order (last names) and it should be easy to find a CAPITAL P or V as you imagine, in order to compare them easily.
Keep me updated.
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I received both of your messages this morning. I am pleased and excited that with your help I have more knowledge of my family's ancestors.
My wife, Valerie, and I live in Avon Lake, Ohio which is along the shore line of Lake Erie just west of Cleveland, Ohio. It is a nice, sunny day here but cool as fall approaches.
May I ask where you are located? We visited Roccasecca several years ago and also the place in northern Italy where my father's airplane was shot down during WWII. But we have not visited southern Italy.
I found the birth record of my great grandmother, Maria Angela De Ruzza, in the 1845 records. I am certain this is right because it has a notation specifically mentioning Felice Tanzilli...much the same as the notation in Felice's birth record. I will send it to you for verification but I have learned a lot studying the Antenati.
I truly appreciate your help.
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Ciao Barbara,
Please let me know if you received the message I sent to you responding to your two recent messages. I am having difficulty with my computer or with the website so I am not sure if I did it right.
I forgot to mention in my response that my personal email address is JDTANZILLI@GMAIL.COM.
I am attaching the notation in Mariangela Di Ruzza's birth certificate that she married Felice Tanzilli on 14 September 1872 and his father's name was Alessandro. You taught me well!