I would appreciate help with translating the marriage record of Gaetano Fusco and Giovanna Laurora. I can figure out the form part. I am especially interested in the handwritten information towards the bottom. Thank you in advance.
Hi Cindy,
Fair warning I am a rank amateur at this but I'm trying to get better at reading and translating these old Italian documents. This is what I was able to transcribe as it was written:
Il documento presentato e il certificato delle pubbli cazioni esequite in questo Comune nelle dornecciche diecisette e ventiquattro Febbraio ultimo ed in carta libera per poverta.
Dopo cio gli sposi sudetti, alla presenza degli stessi testimoni, m'lanno esposto che dalla loro unione naturale nacquero due figli, che fuicocco riconosciuti per proferi dallo sposo e le cui nascite furocco dichiarate al l'Ufficiale dello Stato Civile di questo Comune ed inscritte: la prima Cador undici Dicembre Milleottocentonovantatre nell apposito registro al numero trecentosettantotto, coi noceci di Narzarena - Concetta e la seconda ador sedici Ottobre Milleottocentonovantasei, al numero duecentottantaquattaro, col nome di Giuseppe e sebbene negli atti di nascita sia dichio rato che quei figli erano natida doccuo sconosciuta, la detta sposa dichira d'esserne essa la madre e di riconoscerli per properi all 'effetto che, coll'attuale suo matrimonio, siano i predetti figli legittimati. Letto ed approvato viene sottoscritto, meno dalla sposa illitterata.
Gaetano Tusco Faiola Agostino. Illesa? Giacomo Lo' Ufficiale Mayor
Apologies for the many mistakes I've no doubt made. The rough translation mentions that this couple had two children together with their names and birth years, and that these children were born unknown and...not sure if this meant that they were abandoned as foundlings or not. It further states that per their marriage they are now formally accepting these children as their own. There is a note at the end stating that only the husband signed the form due his bride being illiterate.
Again I'm very new to this, so hopefully someone with more experience can do a proper translation for you. Hope this helps a little.
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Hi Cindy
the translation I saw, without offense, is incorrect.
give me a couple of days and I can give you the correct one, especially the part in Italian ..... I believe that as a reference Debra Adao can give you some indications
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What abut this:
Dopo di ciò, gli sposi suddetti, alla presenza degli stessi testimoni, mi hanno esposto che dalla loro unione naturale nacquero due figli, che furono riconosciuti per propri dallo sposo e le cui nascite furono dichiarate all’ Ufficiale dello Stato Civile di questo Comune ed inscritte: la prima addì 11 Dicembre 1892, nell’ apposito registro al numero 378, coi nomi di Nazarena Concetta e la seconda addì 16 Ottobre 1896, al numero 284 col nome di Giuseppe e sebbene negli atti di nascita sia dichiarato che quei figli erano nati da una donna sconosciuta, la detta sposa dichiara d’ esserne la madre e di riconoscerli per propri all’ effetto che, coll’ attuale suo matrimonio siano i predetti figli legittimati.
Letto ed approvato viene sottoscritto meno dalla sposa illetterata.
After this, the aforementioned spouses, in the presence of the same witnesses, have informed me that from their natural union two children were born, who were recognized for their own by the groom and whose births were declared to the Officer of the Stato Civile of this Municipality and inscribed: the first added 11 December 1892, in the appropriate register to the number 378, with the names of Nazarena Concetta and the second on 16 October 1896 , number 284 as Giuseppe and although in the acts of birth it is stated that those children were born to an unknown woman, the bride declares that she is their mother and recognizes them for her own to the effect that, with her current marriage, are the aforementioned children legitimate. Read and approved by the underwritten except the bride, being illiterate.
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Thank you very much. I thought there might be children listed on the bottom. I appreciate the time taken to help me.
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Here is what I promised:
I have reproduced both pages of the register and I attach them to you in JPG format, because it is not possible to attach.PDF files.
and then the translation of pages 26 which is what you are interested in
I hope I have done a good job
The year 1901, on the day 2nd of March At one o'clock and seven minutes in the afternoon, in the Municipal House of Terracina, open to the public
Ahead of me Mario Avvocato Logliera - Royal Mayor and Civil Status Officer, dressed in an official form, have personally appeared:
1 Fusco Gaetano 30 years aged, farmer, born in Terracina, residing in Terracina, son of the late Giuseppe, who was living in Terracina; and Vellucci Francesca, resident in Terracina;
2 Laurora Giovanna, 29 years aged, peasant, born in Terracina, residing in Terracina, daughter of the late Paolo, who was living in Terracina and of Perroni Rosaria, residing in Terracina, who asked me to join them in marriage; to this effect, they presented the document described below; and from the examination of this, as well as of those already produced at the time of the request for the publications, which all, bearing my visa, insert in the volume of the attachments to this register resulting nothing to prevent the celebration of their wedding, I read to the spouses, articles 130, 131, 132 of the Civil Code, and therefore I asked the groom if he intends to take Laurora Giovanna here as a wife, and to this, if she intends to take Fusco Gaetano as a husband; and having each answered affirmatively in full intelligence even of the witnesses indicated below, I pronounced in the name of the law that they are united in marriage.
The following were present at this act:
Faiolo Agostino, 32 years aged, Employee, and
Alleia Giacomo, 29 years aged, Employee,
both resident in this municipality. The document presented is the certificate of the publications made in this municipality on Sundays seventeen and twenty-four last February, and is on paper for poverty.
After this, the aforementioned spouses, in the presence of the same witnesses, they explained to me that from their natural union two children were born, who were recognized on their own by the groom and whose births were declared to the Officer of the Civil Status of this Municipality and inscribed: first (daughter) to December 11th, 1892 in the appropriate register at the number 378, with the names of Nazzareno Concetta and the second on the October 16th, 1896 at the number 284, with the name of Giuseppe, although in the birth certificates it is declared that those children were born to an unknown woman, the said bride declares that she is his mother and recognizes them for her own due to the effect that, with her current marriage, they are the said legitimate children
Read and approved, it is signed, minus the illiterate bride.
Gaetano Fusco Fajolo Agostino Alleja Giacomo
L’Ufficale Mario Logliera
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Thank you, very much!!