New here - Can someone please help me with translating a couple of items on the attached 1900 Census
New here - Can someone please help me with translating a couple of items on the attached 1900 Census?
I am not sure what the Residence is: Hemstad ? Other records (Baptism & Confirmations) show their residence to be Hemstad Eie. And then the strange letters in the 3rd row of the residence for the son Hjalmar. What is DO???? And I would really like to know the Livelihood or Occupations of the 1st row and 3 row. Thank you.
Here is the link to the 1900 Census page:
DO would be for ditto. Hemstad, is a village in Stange. You might like this indexed version of the census. Johan works in a stable on a farm, Hjalmar is a worker of the land.