Translation Request MR Leonard Bader and Eva Feldmann 1671 Gosheim
The last entry on page, continued on the following page.
I have tried to transcribe and translate, but I am not totally confident of the result.
Eodem anno 22 die mansius Julius in facie ecclesia copulati sunt honestus iuuenis Leonardus Bader honesti Bartholomus Bader pie memoria in Gosheim dorilutus?? Legitimus filius, i pudica virgo Eva Feldmann defuncti Mareatti?? Feldmann olim Dextoris?? in Mündlingen? doriluita?? legitima filia triby? testibus necessario requisity Leonardo Fischer and Francisco Bergner.
My translation (please correct)
In the same year (1671) on the 22 of July, in front of the church, were married the honourable young man Leonardus Bader, the dear? legitimate son of the honourable Bartholomus Bader (in pious memory?) from Gosheim, and the upright maiden Eva Feldmann, the dear? legitimate daughter of Mareatti? Feldmann known as (the right?) triby?. The necessary and requisite witnesses, Leonardo Fischer and Francisco Bergner.
Thanks so much.
최고의 답변
Hello @DorisMiller1,
I agree with @Ulrich Neitzel that the scribe left out some words after the word "tribus" in your record.
If you look at the first two records on the preceding page, the word "tribus" is followed by the word denuntiationibus" = proclamations.
These phrases in these two records essentially translate as: after three proclamations were made.
This is probably what the scribe meant to write in your record as well.
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The weavers mentioned in records of the 18th and 19th centuries were usually linen weavers (Leinweber or Leinenweber) who produced (simple) cloth for all purposes (clothing, bedding, tablecloth etc). Craftsmen who worked with wool were called Tuchmacher or Zeugmacher and had a higher status.
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You're welcome, @DorisMiller1.
My edits in bold:
Eodem anno 22 die mensis Julius in facie ecclesia copulati sunt honestus iuvenis Leonardus Bader honesti Bartholomei Bader piae memoriae in Gosheim derelictus Legitimus filius, et pudica virgo Eva
Feldmanndefuncti Marealli?? Feldmann olim Dextoris?? in Mündlingen? derelicta legitima filia tribus testibus necessario requisitis Leonardo Fischer and Francisco Bergner.My translation (please correct)
In the same year (1671) on the 22 of July, in front of the church [i.e. before the congregation], were married the honourable young man Leonardus Bader, the surviving legitimate son of the honourable Bartholomeus Bader (in pious memory = deceased) from Gosheim, and the chaste maiden Eva Feldmann, the surviving legitimate daughter of Mareallus?? Feldmann, formerly weaver in Mündling[en]. Three necessary and requisite witnesses, Leonardo Fischer and Francisco Bergner.
The last sentence is not entirely clear to me. Usually the number three (tribus) refers to the proclamations (tribus denuntiationibus), not to the witnesses, see the preceding record. Perhaps the scribe missed a word or two here.
Mareallus is a very rare name, but it seems to exist as a Google search shows.
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Thanks so much @Ulrich Neitzel. Yes, I haven’t come across another Mareallus in my family tree. Most of my ancestors in this area were farmers. What did the weavers make? Cloth for clothes? Would they make linen from flax or did they use wool from sheep? What type of loom? Any reference would be great.
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Thank-you @Robert Seal_1 and @Ulrich Neitzel. I looked up Feldmann in the Taufen Registry in Mündling. There is a Marcellus Feldmann born in 1678, probably a nephew of Eva. So that could be the name of Eva’s father.