"Minsk, Russian Empire" not valid for quality score, but "Minsk, Belarus" is.
I have added "Minsk, Russian Empire" as a birth place to a profile, because Belarus was not an independent country at the time of the ancestor's birth (1880), and "Minsk, Russia" is listed in the individual's source documents.
"Minsk, Russian Empire" yields "Not Available at This Time" for the entire profile.
"Minsk, Belarus" yields "Medium" for the entire profile.
It would be nice if the historically accurate "Minsk, Russian Empire" would allow for the rendering of a profile quality score.
Your question is really a Places question, rather than a PQS question, I think.
You can see all the valid place names for Minsk, over time, in the Places Database: https://www.familysearch.org/research/places/?text=Minsk
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Nice to hear from you in this thread as well, @Áine Ní Donnghaile!
I have been sure to use standardized places in the profile described above. I followed your link, and filtering "Minsk" to the year 1880 with only certified locations, the first result is still "Minsk, Russian Empire".
In light of this being a certified place, but not considered valid for the profile quality score (while "Minsk, Belarus is considered valid, even though it did not "exist" in 1880), do you still believe this is a "Places" question, and not a "Profile Quality Score" question?
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As requested in the header of this group, can you please give us a reference to the profile where you encountered the issue?
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Ah, thank you for highlighting that for me! I was juggling so many things at once I did not read that.
It says to open a "Question" and not a "Discussion", so I am going to go ahead and open a new "Question" to be sure I am following all the steps.
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You didn't need to start a new thread.
Sometimes it is a simple matter - if the system was slow or you were quick, it may not have registered all that you typed. For example, if I'm moving quickly and type the year 1830 quickly, the system "thinks" the year is 183, and calls out an error for an impossible date for that person.
But, in this case, it's not a PQS (Profile Quality Score) issue. The PQS is a Labs Experiment, still in its infancy, and "Ancestor must be born in Canada, Continental Europe, South America, the United Kingdom, or the United States."
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Minsk is located in "Continental Europe", as shown by PQS being happy with the birth place being "Minsk, Belarus" (which is the same exact location on a map as "Minsk, Russian Empire", the only difference being that once Belarus became a country, Minsk was no longer in the Russian Empire). So in that regard, I believe it should still be covered by PQS - hence my issue report.
Alas, I did open a new "Question", so here is the URL to that for anyone interested:
As mentioned in that new thread, the only thing I can think of is:
They really weren't born in a city, just a rural county
Perhaps "Minsk, Russian Empire" is not considered a city, even though the same location later in time ("Minsk, Belarus") is. If that is the case, then I agree it is not necessarily a PQS issue. But I don't know how to confirm this.
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This is what I see when I view the profile of GB9G-3YH.
If you are seeing something else, then you will likely need to wait for one of the engineers/mods to weigh in on Monday.
A rural location will call out "X is missing a city."
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Yes, what you show above is what I see as well with the intended data.
I can produce the desired behavior by changing Joseph's birth place to "Minsk, Belarus" (which is the same geographic location, but Belarus did not "exist" in his birth year, 1880, and as such all documents say "Russia"), and refreshing the page shows that the "Quality Score" is "Medium", with the birth place being the only change.
I submitted images of this behavior according to the instructions in:
So hopefully they should also be visible in this thread sometime next week. I will leave the page set to "Minsk, Belarus" for the next 2 hours after submitting this post, if you are interested in seeing it live in the meantime.
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If you are seeing the "not available" message, then the PQS is not active. Whatever you are seeing is not PQS-related.
A profile with PQS active will have Low, Medium, or High, and clicking on that word will take you to a list of possible issues.
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Yes, I know that - If you view Joseph's page right now, it shows "Medium", because I changed the birth location to "Minsk, Belarus", as described above.
PQS is only not available when the birth location is "Minsk, Russian Empire" (as it was when you previously viewed Joseph's page).
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@Ann3670 said "PQS is only not available when the birth location is "Minsk, Russian Empire" (as it was when you previously viewed Joseph's page)."
Slightly dangerous to try and diagnose something without a bit of background knowledge of the software concerned but I would suggest that the decision about the availability of PQS is working on the last part of the (standardised) place-name. "Russian Empire" says PQS = no. "Belarus" says PQS = yes.
I note that the help screens mention Continental Europe. It may simply be that a broad-brush view had excluded the "Russian Empire" from Continental Europe because of all the "stuff" in the east. (I'm not even certain what Continental Europe means…)
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And, I think it goes back to my original response - that this is a places issue, not a PQS issue.
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@Ann3670 thank you for the feedback. PQS is currently a beta project with limited countries. Apparently Belarus gets a nod, while Russia does not.
Here is an article on how to add place names.
How do I suggest a new place to FamilySearch places
I hope this helps. And thank you again :)
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@Rhonda Budvarson Thank you for your reply and confirming the situation!
Does PQS validate its locations based on the macro country, as suggested by @Adrian Bruce1, wherein Belarus as a whole is considered Continental Europe, but Russia as a whole is not? If that is the case, might I recommend that PQS tries validating based on the longitude/latitude of the specific place, rather than the "parent place" countries as a whole? (That is, assuming the Continental Europe restriction is meant to be a persistent limitation)
And regarding the link you shared to suggest new places - what would you recommend I suggest in this situation? I'm not sure there is anything wrong with the place names, as "Minsk, Russian Empire" is an accurate and certified place; but rather that this is a limitation with the current way PQS detects places.
Thank you again for your reply :)