Connecting two family trees
While following the ancestors of a grandaunt's husband who I know was related to President Bush his tree does not connect to the President's tree. But following the tree of President Bush I get to a common ancestor in both trees. I followed the descendants until I got to John Ottwell Bush LRD5-FCJ. One tree has an un-named wife and the descendants continue to my grandaunt and her husband. The other tree has a wife named but no descendants. What do we do here?
Without knowing all the ins and outs of your family or the Bush family, I’ll have to keep my response very general.
Looking at your one given example of John Ottwell Bush LRD5-FCJ, I can already see at least one clear answer. You will need to work on Merging people.
If you are very new to the FamilySearch website, I recommend trying out some learning videos on Merging. Here is one called “Merging Duplicates in FamilySearch Tree.” Or, on our group home page, you can find other links to videos at the top of the page.
Simply put, the FamilySearch site is trying to create one shared, giant family tree. With many users, though, we often get multiples of the same individuals in the FamilySearch tree. When that happens, we need to Merge those individuals.
For instance, with your example of John Ottwell Bush LRD5-FCJ, you see he has three sets of parents, two of which are entirely different. Which could never happen. I suspect there is a similar problem as you try and see how your family relates to President Bush. There is probably some merging that needs to take place.
I suggest you first find as much good source/documentation material as possible to prove which individuals belong in each family (like using census records or birth records to see who John’s parents actually are). After you can prove family units, then you will need to merge duplicates of those people in your tree. Or attach them to the correct family. And then keep repeating this process to create a truly correct family tree.
Happy hunting!