Urdorf ZH - death - 1692 - Sidler - Catharina
Kent Gardiner
Second to last document:
Catharina Sidlerin, Heinrich Huber deß heüw-baur(en) ehel. gl. Haußfr(auw) starb an dem Stich, lag nur 4 (tag?). Obijt 15. Jan. [1692]
I am not absolutely sure about the "heüw-baur(en)": I don't feel that haymaker would be a proper translation - he would be a farmer producing (mainly) hay.
"ehel. gl. Haußfr(auw)": his married beloved housewife.
"starb an dem Stich, lag nur 4 (tag?)": died from Pleuritis after being sick for 4 days.
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