Translation Request - Marriage Record of Johann Muller & Anna Margaretha Zinck (Apr 1770)
Please help translate this marriage record for Johan Muloler and Anna Zinck (April 1770)
최고의 답변
My wife had an interesting interpretation about dissolute… immoral behavior on the bride and grooms part like getting pregnant before they were married?
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You're welcome. I had the same thought as your wife: immoral behavior. A very interesting record.
Hello @jahofmann,
[In left margin]: Hallernd[orf], 30 April [1770].
Married after previous proclamations made in order were the dissolute Georg Muller, legitimate son of Johann Muller, and Anna Margar[etha], his spouse, with the dissolute Anna Marg[aretha] Zinck, legitimate daughter of Johann Zinck and Marg[aretha], his spouse.
Witnesses: [blank].
My comments: The word before the groom's name is "dissolutus" (which is split over two lines) and the word before the bride's name is "dissoluta". You can see the word "dissoluta" more clearly in the record above where it is written before the bride's name.
"Dissolutus" and "dissoluta" translate as: dissolute. I have not seen these words before in a marriage record.
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Thank you. Interesting about Dissolute. Maybe bad behavior. I just noticed that their daughter was born in August about 4 months after their wedding.