Looking for birth record
Looking for the birth record of
Francesco "Frank" Aquanto Gibilterra GHG8-58L, who was born in
Carlentini, Provincia di Siracusa, Sicilia, Italy 2 March 1885. He arrived in the US in 1906, and we have found those records. We are looking to establish dual citizenship. We appreciate your time and effort on our behalf. Kim, Rocco, and Angelo
The archives of Carlentini, Siracusa, Sicilia are available on the Antenati Portale. Francesco's birth is on Page 31 of 123, right side : https://antenati.cultura.gov.it/ark:/12657/an_ua35925081/5B3n2Xk?lang=en
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Dear Áine,
Wow! We are so grateful to you and graced by your efforts on our behalf. Truly, thank you.
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You're very welcome.
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Please, it occurs to me that we need an official copy sealed/stamped. Do you know the route to order this?
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You will likely need an Italian legal firm to obtain the certification and apostille locally, for a fee.
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Is it asking too much A'ine to request that you search for a Baptismal record
Francesco "Frank" Aquanto Gibilterra GHG8-58L, who was born in
Carlentini, Provincia di Siracusa, Sicilia, Italy 5 March 1885
And Birth and Baptismal records for his father: Salvatore Gibilterra born 10 July 1853, died 19 September 1900 (wife Rosa Emiglia Caniglia)
Priest Fr. Antonino
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All in Carlentini, Provincia di Siracusa, Sicilia, Italy
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I'm not aware of any online church records for Carlentini. Perhaps one of the other members of the group may have more information.
Áine0 -
Okay thank you!
How about the Birth and death record for
Salvatore Gibilterra born 10 July 1853, died 19 September 1900
Carlentini, Provincia di Siracusa, Sicilia, Italy
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Those records are not searchable by name. They should be on the Portale Antenati, to find by browsing, as I located the one for Francesco.
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You need to order it through the comune of Carlentini Stato Civile. You may need to engage a local genealogist to request it on your behalf.
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Records at:
Locate the year on the left, then the record type (birth or death), then browse all thumbnails and look for the handwritten index. Find the name you need and note the record number cross-reference, then navigate to the record number in question.
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Dear Cousin Vinny,
I will write more later, but please know I am so grateful to you. Truly, he wanted to be found. After hours of searching and attempting, seeking to become fluid, integrated on the stream of the search site, I had to surrender. Then suddenly you wrote to me, I opened it up again and literally within a few minutes I found him.. He needed to be found, an 'abandoned infant newborn'.. still translating the content in the lengthy substantive written content of the nato document… 'he was found at 1 am in a location outdoors in the night wrapped in a cloth…' Blessings on you thank you Vinny
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our Great Great Grandfather
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What's the intended use of this document?
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@DangKwei As stated above
We are looking to establish dual citizenship.
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Then, you can request it from the comune directly or the state archives if the comune doesn't respond. No need for apostille, and all you need is the extract.