Translations needed -- marriages Secymin
Translated from Polish:
Micr. 008029702 Image 588 of 1396
Marriage Record No. 24, Secymin Evangelical Parish, dated the 21st November 1858, of Marcin Klan, a young man, farmer, resident of Grunt Moskiewski, born in Famulki Lazowskie, son of Michal, a farmer, and Elzbieta, born Tielke (Tylke?), married couple Klan residents of Grunt Moskiewski, he is 19 years old, and of a maiden, Rozyna Weiss, resident of Karolinowo, daughter of Jan, a farmer and of Krystyna, born Krause, married couple Weiss, residents of Karolinowo, she is 24 years old, she was born in Famulki Krolewskie, and lives with her parents in Karolinowo. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in this Secymin, Evangelical Church. No impediment was detected. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Gottfried Lesske, a farmer from Famulki Lazowskie, 37 years old, and Henryk Tues (?), a farmer from Karolinowo.
Translated from Polish:
Micr. 008029702 Image 637 (not 647) of 1396
Marriage Record No. 12, Wyszogrod, dated the 23rd September 1860, of Gottfried Weiss, a young man, farmer, resident of Karolinowo, born in Bromierzyk, son of Jan, a laborer, and Krystyna, born Krauze, married couple Weiss, residents of Karolinowo, he is 23 years old, and of a maiden, Ludwika Tylke, daughter of Michal, a laborer, and Katarzyna, born Szultz, married couple Tylke, they both died in Bromierzyk, she is 24 years old, born in Bromierzyk, and now she lives in Grunt Moskiewski. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in Secymin, Evangelical Church. The oral permission for this marriage of parents of the groom was granted. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Wilhelm Guest (?), a farmer in Grunt Moskiewski, 40 years old, and Henryk Stange, a farmer in Karolinowo, 36 years old.
Translated from Polish
Micr. 008029702 Image 717 of 1396
Marriage Record No. 39, Wyszogrod, dated the 26th November 1862, of Ludwik Edelberg, a young man, laborer, resident of Secymin, born in Kiciny, son of Michal, a farmer, and Eleonora, born Taube (?), married couple Edelberg, residents of Secymin, he is 19 years old, and of a maiden, Ewa Weiss, daughter of Jakub, a farmer, and Karolina, born Szultz, married couple Weiss, residents of Famulki Krolewskie, she is 20 years old. She was born in Warszawa and lives with her parents in Famulki Krolewskie. This marriage was preceded by three Marriage Banns published in Secymin, Evangelical Church. The permission of the mother of the groom and of parents of the bride was obtained. No impediment was detected. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Gottried Lasske, a tenant farmer from Famulki Lazowskie, 40 years old, and Michal Bajerle, a teacher in Famulki Krolewskie, 29 years old.
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