Olivia Jewell, a family history enthusiast, is launching an effort to encourage people to join a 21 Day Family Connections Experiment: A Family History Project. This is a grassroots effort to encourage and help people connect with their families, past and present, during this crazy time, a 21 day experiment exploring the benefits of daily connections with family.
They are looking for people to help spread the word, so today at 10am Mountain time they are having a zoom call to explain more about the project. The zoom link is: https://tinyurl.com/familyconnectionszoom
If you can't make the meeting, they will have a website to learn more, though there's not much there yet, there will be more next week - https://connections-experiment.com/
well, I'm there now, but only Carolyn Coates is also there. Where is Olivia?
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I left and came back in, but still no Jewell.
Can you help, Janell?
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Wow! I see now that this meeting was yesterday. Only a 1 hour advanced notice!?!
That seems a little self-centered.
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I only learned about this on Sunday in the Digest, 2 days after it happened - shame! Was it recorded? That would be useful. Also, please give us more notice so we can put it on our calendar and not miss it. Thanks!
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You didn't miss much by not being there, anyone can still participate in this and spread the word, but you can also catch the recording that they posted in their Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/21dayexperiment/- join the group, then you can see the recording here - https://www.facebook.com/livstreehouse/videos/251018952942865/. I am just sharing, not planning, and didn't know about the meeting until late either. This whole thing has come together in about a week, the woman spearheading this was inspired to act, so good for her! That just means everything is last minute.