Access records Goslawice, Konin, Greater Poland
I'm trying to track my grandfather's family tree in poland. I know he was born in Goslawice in 1885. His name was Josef Jozwiak and his parents were Jon and Zofia.
Is there a way to research all the Goslawice catholic records from 1883 (when Jon and Zofia were married) through 1893 when I know they moved to the small village of Ratyn and joined the catholic parish in Ladek.
I think you should be able to access the chuch books on the Polish website www. szukajwarchiwach. gov. pl (take out the spaces when you use the address).
The reference code for 1883 is 54/750/0/-/70Kind regards
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Translated from Russian:
Micr. 008031019 Image 1211 of 1482
Marriage Record No. 1, Goslawice Parish, dated the 21st January 1883, of Jan Jozwiak, a bachelor, 23 years old, born in Wola, son of Filip and Jadwiga, born Szyszynska, married couple Jozwiak from village Wola, and of a maiden, Zofia Wilkowska, daughter of deceased Szymon and Jadwiga, married couple Wilkowski from Wola, she was there born and lives with her mother, she is 20 years old. Three Marriage Banns preceded this marriage. The oral permission of the father of the groom and of the mother of the bride was granted. No prenuptial agreement entered into. Witnesses: Erazm Strojwondz, 46 years old, and Bartlomiej Wilkowski, 67 years old, an uncle of the bride, both from Wola.
Note: the wedding ceremony was carried out in the presence of the newlywed's father, the bride's mother was absent due to illness. A marriage contract was not drawn up. The act was read and signed by the priest.
- The records for year 1883-1893 are located at the site: - click on More in the center and scroll down to Goslawice. You will see heading: Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej Gosławice (pow. koniński) with a list of Księga urodzeń, małżeństw, zgonów from 1884 – 1893 as you requested. You will be able to click on the blue text to get to original record in szukajwarchiwach.