Cannot attach photo marked as “Limited Access” as a profile portrait.
For every Memory you add, you have the option to set the visibility as “Public” or “Private.” If you have a Family Group Tree(s), you have the additional option to set the visibility as “Limited Access.”
When you lock the visibility of a photo memory as “Limited Access,” you cannot use it for a Portrait image in a Family Group Tree profile, even if it is set to be viewable in that Family Group Tree.
Though not ideal, this is working as intended. There is no plan to change this function. A photo marked as “Limited Access” or “Private” needs to be protected.
To use a photo as a Portrait image in a Family Group Tree, make sure that photo is set to “Public” view.
See pictures below to help you understand this challenge, as well as the work-around.
How about uploading an entirely separate copy of the same photo using a different file name? I presume that could be used as a profile photo, since the computers would "see" the 2nd image with a different name as a different photo, even if they are identical content.
NOTE for @AmberML1: Thanks for posting these - it will save a lot of unnecessary hassle (and therefore time) for others as they encounter the same issues (IF they are subscribed to this group and therefore getting the notifications of your very helpful posts!).—Chris
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Thanks so much for the kind comment! @Chris Schmink
First, I tried uploading the same copy of a photo with a different name. I couldn't make it work. I get a notice: File Previously Uploaded! However, I can upload the same photo in different, accepted formats (think jpeg, png, pdf).
But the real problem still centers around the "Limited Access" issue. No matter what photo, no matter how many photos, if any is marked as "Limited Access" they can't be used as a profile picture. Sorry for the hassle.
Engineers know this is a problem; they are working on it.
Thanks again for sharing feedback.