Source Citation
There was an issue reported with this title , [name deleted], gave an answer and then closed the discussion without further discussion. I do believe there is still a problem with creating a Source/Citation from a page that has been found with the Full Text Search. [Name deleted] said there was an option to include the citation when the image was attached to a profile and then he closed the discussion.
I believe there is still an issue BUT I am open to an answer that I may not have seen. If I have an image and want to attach it to a profile, I click on the "ATTACH TO TREE" button. This brings up a window to the right of the image which allows me to put in information:
1: Source Title (Required)
2: Source Date (Optional)
3: Notes (Optional)
Then there is a check box for "Add to Source Box". Is this where one would indicate that a Source/Citation based on the metadata below would be added to the Source information for this image?
All the information needed for a Source Citation is listed in the "View image group metadata" by clicking on "SHOW" below that.
This information is not added to the Source/Citation at all. All I get is the URL to the image. If I am not following the correct steps to all a complete Source/Citation for an image, please let me know. AND please don't close the discussion until it is confirmed…please.
Moderator's note: This post has been edited to removed personal identifying information.
When you select "Attach to Tree" and "View Image Group Data" you can copy the metadata to the Notes box. Selecting (or deselecting) "Add to Source Box" simply places the source in your source box where it will be available to be linked to additional person records in the future. It will be attached to the individual person record regardless of whether or not you choose to add it to your source box. I always send it to my source box unless I am absolutely certain that I will not be linking it to additiional person records. I can always delete it from the source box later, but it is not so easy to add it to the source box later.
After attaching the image to a specific record, regardless of whether or not it is also placed in your source box, go to that person's record and select "Sources." Find the source in the list and click the down-arrow to the right of the listing to view the details of the source, including the citation that was copied from the source metadata.
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