Mettmenstetten ZH - marriage - 1635 - Vollenweider & Meili - bride's origin
I am not sure why but the link doesn't work for me. I get a FamilySearch error message. A film number and page number may help. You could also give us the FamilySearch number for Jacob Follenweider.
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Correct link is … but I cannot open the file from home.
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WSeelentag Wolf: Here is the document with my thoughts. Hope this is helpful. Do you have a FamilySearch number for Jacob Follenweider?
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According to Jakob Vollenweider von Aeugst am Albis, "Pali" Vollenweiders "ab Oügst" Sohn, heiratet am 08.07.1635 in Mettmenstetten die Elisabeth Meili von Dägerst (today Tägerst), Täufer Hans Meilis zu Dägerst Tochter (note that in EDB name spellings are standardised).
This marriage is NOT on the page you have copied, however. But … these are marriages - if the index says baptisms the index is wrong or incorrectly related.
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If you check the sources on this looks rather "confusing" to me 😯.
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I believe I have found the marriage from your copied page: … on 8 May 1634 (page 13) … what we are looking for should be on page 14.
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I have been playing pickleball but am back now. Not sure but I think the entry with the original red mark next to it is 8 May 1634. I added page 14 which is 1940-1941 toward the bottom of the page. The red mark entry looks like Jorg Follenweider 8 May 1634 not Jackob Follenweider.
As to the confusing document. It refers to page 12, 1835 on the right. I posted the page with a red mark on 8 July. Does that entry fit with the following index?
Index for page 12:Name Jacob Follenweider
Sex Männlich
Father's Name Jali Follenweider
Father's Sex Male
Mother's Name Elsbeth Mayli
Mother's Sex Female
Event Type Baptism
Event Date 8. Juli 1635
Event Place Aeugst, Zürich, SchweizI think the first red mark fits with 8 May 1834:
Vollenweider, Georg, Aeugst am Albis, getraut mit Gneser, Elisabeth, Ottenbach0 -
Wolf—Thank you for being so persistent to find the page with the marriage record. And thank you for the translation. Knowing she was from Dagerest, I found it was located in the Stallikon Parish. So, I was able to find her baptism record and also her as a child in the 1634 Stallikon Parish Census. Thank you very much! I hope Family Search fixes their software issue soon so we don't have this communication problem again.
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WSeelentag. It sounds like you have solved your problem and are making good progress. All the best!
Glad to help. Of course the real help is from0 -
Index for page 12:Name Jacob Follenweider
Sex Männlich
Father's Name Jali Follenweider
Father's Sex Male
Mother's Name Elsbeth Mayli
Mother's Sex Female
Event Type Baptism
Event Date 8. Juli 1635
Event Place Aeugst, Zürich, SchweizThis is nonsense: Jacob wasn't born 1635 - that is his marriage date! I guess "Jali" should be "Pali" - his father - and Elsbeth Maÿli is his wife!
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nealallenscheel1 - you are welcome !
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This is the very reason you have job security. There will always be a need for transcriptions and translations because indexing or AI can't do the quality reasoning a human can. Thanks for putting this to rest. AI is getting better but always needs to be backed up by someone knowledgable in the field.
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Was that index entry done by AI ?
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Not on this one but Family'Search is using AI to index many records. They are getting better and better.