Change Person - Drop Down Listing of All Tree People and Highlighting
The new version of the listing of available people to become the focus person no longer has highlights in it for people who are already attached to someone on the record side.
Because many families reuse the same names, it has become more challenging to pick the correct new focus person for more complicated source linking (ie - nieces and nephews, in-laws, orphaned cousins, grand aunts/uncles).
Previously, I would attach all easy family members to the record and then start hopping through the tree to locate the extended family members also listed in the record. It was easier to find the "connecting raltives" when everyone in the list who was already attached was highlighted.
Please return the highlighting to the drop down listing in the Change Focus Person Features.
P.S. Love the title of "Focus Person". Easy to explain to new users and easier to phone-consult with the title being displayed. VERY GOOD
People that are already attached, both on the left hand record side and the right hand person side, are still highlighted. The highlight has just been changed from a green background (If I remember correctly) to a paper clip to the right of the name. I agree it is harder to see, but it is there.
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Yes, I do have some failing vision problems and preferred the green highlighting.
Thank you for your response.